my dataset contains quarter dummy variables from 2014q1 to 2017q1. If I want to compare the effect on the dependent variable for each quarter relative to 2016q1, is there any other way to compare these quarters without creating a categorical dummy variable that is equal one for 2014q1, equal two for 2014q2, ... equal 13 for 2017q1, and otherwise zero (for 2016q1)?
Many thanks in advance and kind regards!
my dataset contains quarter dummy variables from 2014q1 to 2017q1. If I want to compare the effect on the dependent variable for each quarter relative to 2016q1, is there any other way to compare these quarters without creating a categorical dummy variable that is equal one for 2014q1, equal two for 2014q2, ... equal 13 for 2017q1, and otherwise zero (for 2016q1)?
Many thanks in advance and kind regards!