Good evening
normally I plot my graph using the following
How do I plot a marginsplot from the margins command (bold red section) with the values from her for the probability of response pain_1= 1 for treatment = 1 and treatment = 0, and so on and so forth for the remaining probabilities for responses pain_1 for 2-4
Th reason I ask is because the blue section uses predict command, whilst in my red command I am already producing the predicted probabilities
normally I plot my graph using the following
ologit asa treatment age margins, at (treatment=(0/1)) predict(outcome(1)) at means marginsplot, title("Prob=Poor") plot(treatment) recast(bar) by(treatment) name(m1,replace) ///However with meologit //treatment is binary 1= treatment, 0 = control ///pain is value on likert ordinal scale (1-4) measured at pre treatment pre_post =1 and pre_post=2 (post treatment) meologit pain1_ i.treatment##pre_post || hospitalid:, vce(robust) or level(95) //this measures probability of response for pain1_ for 1-5 for treatment 1 or 0 margins treatment##pre_postno
How do I plot a marginsplot from the margins command (bold red section) with the values from her for the probability of response pain_1= 1 for treatment = 1 and treatment = 0, and so on and so forth for the remaining probabilities for responses pain_1 for 2-4
Th reason I ask is because the blue section uses predict command, whilst in my red command I am already producing the predicted probabilities