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  • The usage of the zinb model

    I am working on the model that influences the counts of climate change legislation in state legislatures. As expected, I decided to use the zinb model because there are so many excess zeros.

     zinb incentive_count c.std_candper c.ideoscore c.tenure2 i.session, irr nolog vce (cluster sfips) inflate(c.fossil_campaign2 c.climate_campaign2)
    Zero-inflated negative binomial regression               Number of obs = 1,644
    Inflation model: logit                                   Nonzero obs   =   495
                                                             Zero obs      = 1,149
                                                             Wald chi2(8)  =     .
    Log pseudolikelihood = -1599.069                         Prob > chi2   =     .
                                           (Std. err. adjusted for 6 clusters in sfips)
                      |               Robust
      incentive_count |        IRR   std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    incentive_count   |
          std_candper |   1.148491   .1433607     1.11   0.267     .8992416    1.466828
            ideoscore |   .3068753   .1067686    -3.40   0.001     .1551709    .6068948
              tenure2 |    .991072    .009914    -0.90   0.370     .9718301    1.010695
              session |
                   2  |   .7671407   .1665842    -1.22   0.222       .50123    1.174121
                   3  |   .6766692   .0922604    -2.86   0.004     .5179877    .8839615
                   4  |    .702565   .1297458    -1.91   0.056     .4892055    1.008978
                   5  |   .4691583   .2901897    -1.22   0.221     .1395801     1.57694
                   6  |   .3404974   .2996782    -1.22   0.221     .0606674    1.911052
                _cons |   1.955293   1.083214     1.21   0.226      .660168    5.791211
    inflate           |
     fossil_campaign2 |  -4.742035   1.143721    -4.15   0.000    -6.983686   -2.500383
    climate_campaign2 |   .7751751   1.894358     0.41   0.682    -2.937698    4.488048
                _cons |   .0018064   .5451719     0.00   0.997    -1.066711    1.070324
             /lnalpha |  -.2441682   .3563587    -0.69   0.493    -.9426184    .4542821
                alpha |   .7833559   .2791557                      .3896064    1.575042
    When I employed this syntax, my rationale was that contributions from two types of interest groups to the elections (fossil_campaign2 and climate_campaign2) might also exhibit excess zeros. That was the resaon for including these two variables within the inflate() function. However, after understanding additional manuals and explanations, I think this inflate function actually refers to the possible variables that account for the group of "excess zeros" in the dependent variables, irrespective of whether the independent variables have excess zeros themselves.

    With this clarification in mind, I have a couple of questions:

    1, Is that right?

    2. How should I interpret the negative coefficients for the two variables? Given that it's a logit link function (Unsure), does it imply that an increase of one unit in fossil fuel campaign contributions decreases the likelihood of being in the zero-inflated group for the dependent variable? Is the effect size too strong?

    3. How can I understand an insignificant intercept in this model?

    4. From a theoretical standpoint, individual ideology significantly influences climate change legislation (Usually Conservative legislators would not introduce climate change legislation, so could be the main factor that influences excess zeros). With this in mind, should I adjust the syntax as follows?

     zinb incentive_count c.fossil_campaign2 c.climate_campaign2  c.std_candper c.tenure2 i.session, irr nolog vce (cluster sfips) inflate(c.ideoscore)
    Zero-inflated negative binomial regression               Number of obs = 1,644
    Inflation model: logit                                   Nonzero obs   =   495
                                                             Zero obs      = 1,149
                                                             Wald chi2(9)  =     .
    Log pseudolikelihood = -1628.714                         Prob > chi2   =     .
                                           (Std. err. adjusted for 6 clusters in sfips)
                      |               Robust
      incentive_count |        IRR   std. err.      z    P>|z|     [95% conf. interval]
    incentive_count   |
     fossil_campaign2 |   1.179792   .1097568     1.78   0.076     .9831448    1.415771
    climate_campaign2 |    .846464   .1036474    -1.36   0.173      .665857    1.076059
          std_candper |   1.149116   .0996086     1.60   0.109     .9695702     1.36191
              tenure2 |   1.003058   .0121582     0.25   0.801     .9795092    1.027173
              session |
                   2  |   .8798232   .2128926    -0.53   0.597     .5475559    1.413717
                   3  |   .5319398   .0707656    -4.74   0.000     .4098495    .6903995
                   4  |   .6535677   .1069918    -2.60   0.009     .4741823    .9008156
                   5  |   .3270673   .1911053    -1.91   0.056     .1040592    1.028002
                   6  |   .2498645     .19415    -1.78   0.074     .0544883    1.145793
                _cons |   1.366394   1.347718     0.32   0.752      .197701     9.44372
    inflate           |
            ideoscore |   1.057072   .5515854     1.92   0.055    -.0240154     2.13816
                _cons |  -.9381537   .5600537    -1.68   0.094    -2.035839    .1595314
             /lnalpha |  -.1012308   .9857309    -0.10   0.918    -2.033228    1.830766
                alpha |   .9037244    .890829                      .1309123    6.238665
    Many thanks