Dear All,
I am trying to create a series of ciplots displaying the mean value and ci for different groups. Unfortunately it appears ciplot allows just for one groupvar with the by() command.
Here is my dataset:
Here is the code I am using:
And here is what I would like to do:
I had a look at previous forum conversations and at the help window for ciplot where statsby is suggested for more flexibility. Yet, I have not figure out how to make it work for my specific case.
Lastly, I would then like to do the same but for different variables (eg. dist_red dist_immdfrace). Perhaps I could then combine the graphs?
I am trying to create a series of ciplots displaying the mean value and ci for different groups. Unfortunately it appears ciplot allows just for one groupvar with the by() command.
Here is my dataset:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input long country float idno str15 party float(vote dist_lr dist_red dist_immpoor) byte gender float age 3 3 "AfD" 0 4.2380953 6 9.9 0 2 3 3 "SPD" 0 1.3809524 3.0526316 4.15 0 2 3 3 "CDU" 1 .8571429 5.947369 6 0 2 3 3 "LINKE" 0 3.5714285 .8947368 2.7 0 2 3 3 "FDP" 0 1.4285712 8.578947 5.95 0 2 3 3 "GRUNEN" 0 1.7619047 3.421053 1.7 0 2 10 6 "GP" 0 1.857143 .5 3.333333 1 1 10 6 "FF" 0 .4285712 2.357143 1.833333 1 1 10 6 "Lab" 0 1.4285715 .7857144 2.833333 1 1 10 6 "SF" 0 2.4285715 .2142856 2.333333 1 1 10 6 "FG" 1 .8571429 3.357143 2 1 1 6 7 "SFP" 0 0 2.2142859 1.0476189 1 3 6 7 "SDP" 0 2.857143 .7857143 .3809524 1 3 6 7 "VIHR" 0 2.2857144 .3571429 2.0476189 1 3 6 7 "KESK" 0 .14285707 2.428571 2.2380955 1 3 6 7 "KD" 0 .8571429 2.2857141 2.4358976 1 3 6 7 "PS" 0 1.5714288 2.785714 6.452381 1 3 6 7 "KOK" 1 1.714286 4.357143 1.095238 1 3 6 7 "VAS" 0 4.5 1.4285715 1.1190476 1 3 7 9 "PS" 1 1 2.25 .58333325 1 3 7 9 "LR" 0 5.875 7.375 4.541667 1 3 7 9 "LREM" 0 4.3333335 5.833333 2.3333333 1 3 7 9 "MoDem" 0 4.125 5.857143 2.0416667 1 3 7 9 "FI" 0 .75 .625 .6666667 1 3 7 9 "EELV" 0 .5 2.375 1.7083333 1 3 7 9 "RN" 0 7.75 4 6.541667 1 3 8 10 "LIBDEM" 0 .23529434 .9705882 .7450979 1 1 8 10 "UKIP" 0 4.6875 4.5666666 6.137256 1 1 8 10 "LAB" 0 2.0588236 .9117647 .19607854 1 1 8 10 "SNP" 0 .5 .625 1 1 1 8 10 "GREEN" 0 2 .625 1.627451 1 1 8 10 "CONS" 1 3.117647 4.147059 4.254902 1 1 12 11 "VVD" 0 2.6153846 .75 4.5897436 0 1 12 11 "D66" 1 .15384626 1.75 .33333325 0 1 12 11 "SP" 0 3.6153846 6.75 1.9166667 0 1 12 11 "PVV" 0 3.6923075 1.6666665 6.589744 0 1 12 11 "PvdA" 0 1.3846154 4.666667 .8333333 0 1 12 11 "CDA" 0 1.8461537 1.5 3.666667 0 1 12 11 "CU" 0 .0769229 3.318182 1.1282051 0 1 12 11 "GL" 0 2.692308 5.318182 1.7179487 0 1 1 13 "SPO" 0 5 2.4 1.3666666 1 1 1 13 "OVP" 0 2.1 6.2 5.266667 1 1 1 13 "Grune" 0 6.5 2.5 .6333332 1 1 1 13 "FPO" 1 .10000038 5.6 6.466667 1 1 1 13 "NEOS" 0 3.1 6.9 .9666669 1 1 11 14 "FdI" 0 2.0526314 3.029412 3.1754384 1 0 11 14 "LN" 0 1.7894735 4.81579 3.280702 1 0 11 14 "FI" 1 .05263138 4.388889 .3333335 1 0 11 14 "PD" 0 3.789474 .22222233 3.614035 1 0 11 14 "M5S" 0 2.2222223 .6052631 .11111116 1 0 11 14 "SI" 0 5.555555 1.5 5.979167 1 0 7 17 "RN" 0 2.75 1 3.2083335 0 0 7 17 "PS" 0 4 2.75 3.9166665 0 0 7 17 "EELV" 0 4.5 2.625 5.041667 0 0 7 17 "FI" 0 5.75 4.375 2.6666665 0 0 7 17 "LREM" 0 .6666665 .8333335 1 0 0 7 17 "MoDem" 0 .875 .8571429 1.2916665 0 0 7 17 "LR" 1 .875 2.375 1.2083335 0 0 6 21 "VIHR" 0 1.2857144 .3571429 5.380952 1 0 6 21 "KOK" 1 2.714286 4.357143 2.2380953 1 0 6 21 "PS" 0 2.571429 2.785714 3.1190476 1 0 6 21 "SFP" 0 1 2.2142859 4.380952 1 0 6 21 "VAS" 0 3.5 1.4285715 4.452381 1 0 6 21 "SDP" 0 1.857143 .7857143 2.952381 1 0 6 21 "KESK" 0 .8571429 2.428571 1.0952377 1 0 6 21 "KD" 0 1.857143 2.2857141 .8974357 1 0 11 22 "FdI" 0 7.052631 3.029412 9.842105 0 0 11 22 "LN" 0 6.789474 4.81579 9.947369 0 0 11 22 "SI" 0 .5555556 1.5 .6875 0 0 11 22 "M5S" 0 2.777778 .6052631 6.555555 0 0 11 22 "PD" 1 1.2105262 .22222233 3.0526316 0 0 11 22 "FI" 0 4.947369 4.388889 7 0 0 3 23 "CDU" 0 2.857143 5.947369 6 0 3 3 23 "LINKE" 0 1.5714285 .8947368 2.7 0 3 3 23 "AfD" 0 6.238095 6 9.9 0 3 3 23 "GRUNEN" 0 .2380953 3.421053 1.7 0 3 3 23 "SPD" 1 .6190476 3.0526316 4.15 0 3 3 23 "FDP" 0 3.428571 8.578947 5.95 0 3 3 24 "SPD" 1 1.6190476 .5526316 .8166668 1 2 3 24 "GRUNEN" 0 1.2380953 .9210527 1.6333332 1 2 3 24 "AfD" 0 7.238095 3.5 6.566667 1 2 3 24 "FDP" 0 4.428571 6.078947 2.6166666 1 2 3 24 "LINKE" 0 .57142854 1.6052632 .6333332 1 2 3 24 "CDU" 0 3.857143 3.4473686 2.666667 1 2 10 25 "GP" 0 3.142857 3 3.333333 0 1 10 25 "SF" 0 2.5714285 2.2857144 2.333333 0 1 10 25 "FG" 0 5.857143 5.857143 2 0 1 10 25 "FF" 1 5.428571 4.857143 1.833333 0 1 10 25 "Lab" 0 3.5714285 3.2857144 2.833333 0 1 10 26 "FG" 0 .8571429 1.642857 5.333333 1 2 10 26 "Lab" 0 1.4285715 4.214286 6.166667 1 2 10 26 "FF" 1 .4285712 2.642857 5.166667 1 2 10 26 "GP" 0 1.857143 4.5 6.666667 1 2 10 26 "SF" 0 2.4285715 5.214286 5.666667 1 2 5 27 "Cs" 0 7.2 6.533333 6.428571 1 2 5 27 "Vox" 0 9.714286 8.333333 9.8 1 2 5 27 "Pais" 0 2.733333 2.3333333 2.2857144 1 2 5 27 "IU" 0 1.8666667 1.4 2.533333 1 2 5 27 "PSOE" 1 3.6 2.8 3.9333334 1 2 5 27 "PPP" 0 8.066667 7.266667 7.6 1 2 end label values country country_label label def country_label 1 "1. Austria", modify label def country_label 3 "3. Germany", modify label def country_label 5 "5. Spain", modify label def country_label 6 "6. Finland", modify label def country_label 7 "7. France", modify label def country_label 8 "8. Great Britain", modify label def country_label 10 "10. Ireland", modify label def country_label 11 "11. Italy", modify label def country_label 12 "12. Netherlands", modify label values gender gender label def gender 0 "0. Female", modify label def gender 1 "1. Male", modify label values age age_groups label def age_groups 0 "0. 30 and Under", modify label def age_groups 1 "1. 31-50", modify label def age_groups 2 "2. 51-69", modify label def age_groups 3 "3. 70 and over", modify
ciplot dist_lr if vote==1, by(gender)
ciplot dist_lr if vote==1, by(gender age education)
Lastly, I would then like to do the same but for different variables (eg. dist_red dist_immdfrace). Perhaps I could then combine the graphs?