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  • Meaning of core in parallel

    Dear List,

    I have been using -parallel bs- to compute bootstrap CI. When using -parallel bs-, I usually set the number of cores to be 10 or 12 because my desktop has 17 cores. It worked. However, the Stata license I used is a student lab 2-core version (perpetual), Stata MP. Why can I set the number of cores to 10 when using parallel bs when my Stata MP only supports up to 2 cores?

    Interestingly, -parallel bs- does not always work well for me, usually when the number of bootstrap resampling is too large and the sample size is large --- in such scenarios, Stata will keep running for a few days before it suddenly crashes. I wonder if it was because I have set a number of core that exceeds the core capacity in my desktop.

    Vega Yon GG, Quistorff B. parallel: A command for parallel computing. The Stata Journal. 2019;19(3):667-684. doi:10.1177/1536867X19874242