I have a question regarding the creation of latent variables.
In my case, I am trying to create a latent variable called Type of Data.
This variable would be created from four questions (Likert scale 1-7) and is based on literature (however, the scale is my creation).
Unfortunately, when running my FA, it seems that the Eigenvalue is very low (0.48), the Alpha is also low (0.38), and (logically) the correlation between these questions is also very low. Interestingly, the KMO seems to be sufficient (0.58). I do not see a reason why that would be the case, given my dataset and the theoretical reasoning.
After this disappointing result, I tried running PCA, which (surprisingly) came with a high Eigenvalue (1.42).
I am now quite unsure of what to do.
I am aware that FA should be the way to go; however, how do you handle such a case? I tried dropping some of the questions, but that does not seem to be affecting it much (if anything, the Eigenvalue is lower). I tried rotation (with no satisfactory result).
The variable is one of my moderators, so I could technically drop it altogether; however, I am not too keen on doing that. Secondly, I can simply use one of the questions as a representation of the whole concept, but that seems highly unreliable.
Overall, it seems to be obvious that I created the scale for this concept wrong. I do not have the time and space to recollect my data, so what would your advice be? Drop it all? Use only one of the questions as a representation? Something different?
Thank you for any comments and help.
I have a question regarding the creation of latent variables.
In my case, I am trying to create a latent variable called Type of Data.
This variable would be created from four questions (Likert scale 1-7) and is based on literature (however, the scale is my creation).
Unfortunately, when running my FA, it seems that the Eigenvalue is very low (0.48), the Alpha is also low (0.38), and (logically) the correlation between these questions is also very low. Interestingly, the KMO seems to be sufficient (0.58). I do not see a reason why that would be the case, given my dataset and the theoretical reasoning.
After this disappointing result, I tried running PCA, which (surprisingly) came with a high Eigenvalue (1.42).
I am now quite unsure of what to do.
I am aware that FA should be the way to go; however, how do you handle such a case? I tried dropping some of the questions, but that does not seem to be affecting it much (if anything, the Eigenvalue is lower). I tried rotation (with no satisfactory result).
The variable is one of my moderators, so I could technically drop it altogether; however, I am not too keen on doing that. Secondly, I can simply use one of the questions as a representation of the whole concept, but that seems highly unreliable.
Overall, it seems to be obvious that I created the scale for this concept wrong. I do not have the time and space to recollect my data, so what would your advice be? Drop it all? Use only one of the questions as a representation? Something different?
Thank you for any comments and help.