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  • Send selected to do-File editor

    Is it possible somehow to set something to send selected code to only one opened do file instead of ten others ?
    I am relatively new to Stata but found that quite annoying when I run 20 commmands and then "Send selected to do-File editor" resulting in 20 opened do-files, each command landing in a separate file.
    How can I turn that off ?

  • #2
    It is probably better to type those 20 commands in one do file and run the commands from within the do file and save it (while deleting ones that are unnecessary). I remember my early days when I never used do files for any work. These days, I barely use the command dialog except for some exploratory stuff. As to your specific question, I will defer to others if they know of some way.
    Last edited by Girish Venkataraman; 24 Feb 2024, 21:03. Reason: Ambiguity in sentence construct corrected.

