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  • User-Agent for URL requests in copy or import delimited

    Does Stata support passing in a user agent into a url request? For example, when trying to import delimited "url_example" where the url is a flat txt file.

    this isnt a problem on many websites, but currently flat files (such as pop up as a 403 error. When trying to download on python, the same error occurs until you pass in the user-agent of an email (as stipulated by the bls site).

    If not, how would you download the flat file with code without downloading the txt onto your computer.

  • #2
    I don’t do this myself but from your description I would use Python from within or outside of Stata to download a copy of the file.


    • #3
      Ya i can do it with python, but is there a way for stata to do it? I just have a really long pipeline that does this a lot and want to avoid calling python every time. BLS did not use to do this. thanks though, it seems that might be the only way.

