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  • The LPLS (linear problems through least squares) estimator in lppinv, tmpinv, and tmpinvi commands

    lppinv, tmpinv, and tmpinvi (downloadable from the SSC) implement the proposed LPLS (linear programming through least squares) estimator with the help of the Moore-Penrose inverse (pseudoinverse), calculated using *singular value decomposition (SVD)*, with emphasis on the estimation of OLS constrained in values (cOLS), Transaction Matrix (TM), and custom (user-defined) cases. The pseudoinverse offers a unique minimum-norm least-squares solution, which is the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE); see Albert (1972, Chapter VI). (Over)determined problems are accompanied by regression analysis, which is feasible in their case. For such and especially all remaining cases, a Monte Carlo-based ttest of mean NRMSE (normalized by the standard deviation of the RHS) is performed, the sample being drawn from a uniform or user-provided distribution (via a *Python function*).

    OLS constrained in values (cOLS) is an estimation based on constraints in the model and/or data but not in parameters. Typically, such models are of size ≤ kN, where N is the number of observations, since the number of their constraints may vary in the LHS (e.g., level, derivatives, etc.).

    Example of a cOLS problem:
    Estimate the trend and the cyclical component of a country's GDP given the textbook or any other definition of its peaks, troughs, and saddles. For a pre-LPLS approach to this problem, see (Bolotov, 2014).

    Transaction Matrix (TM) of size (M x N) is a formal model of interaction (allocation, assignment, etc.) between M and N elements in any imaginable system, such as intercompany transactions (netting tables), industries within/between economies (input-output tables), cross-border trade/investment (trade/investment matrices), etc., where row and column sums are known, but individual elements of the TM may not be:

    - a netting table is a type of TM where M = N and the elements are subsidiaries of a MNC;
    - an input-output table (IOT) is a type of TM where M = N and the elements are industries;
    - a matrix of trade/investment is a type of TM where M = N and the elements are countries or (macro)regions, where diagonal elements may be equal to zero;
    - a country-product matrix is a type of TM where M ≠ N and the elements are of different types;

    Example of a TM problem:
    Estimate the matrix of trade/investment with/without zero diagonal elements, the country shares in which are unknown. For a pre-LPLS approach to this problem, see (Bolotov, 2015).

    Methods and formulas:
    The LP problem in the LPLS estimator is a matrix equation a @ x = b, loosely based on the structure of the Simplex tableau, where a consists of coefficients for CONSTRAINTS, LP-type CHARACTERISTIC and/or SPECIFIC, and for SLACK/SURPLUS VARIABLES (the upper part) as well as for the MODEL (the lower part), as illustrated in Figure 1. Each part of a can be omitted to accommodate a particular case:

    - SLACK/SURPLUS VARIABLES are included only for inequality constraints and should be set to 1 or -1;

    Figure 1: Matrix equation a @ x = b

    Source: self-prepared

    The solution to the equation, x = pinv(a) @ b, is estimated with the help of SVD and is a minimum-norm least-squares generalized solution if the rank of a is not full. To check if a is within the computational limits, its (maximum) dimensions can be calculated using the formulas:

    - (k \* N) x (K + K\*) - cOLS - without slack/surplus variables;
    - (k \* N) x (K + K\* + l) - cOLS - with slack/surplus variables;
    - (M + N) x (M \* N) - TM - without slack/surplus variables;
    - (M + N) x (M \* N + l) - TM - with slack/surplus variables;
    - M x N - custom - without slack/surplus variables;
    - M x (N + l) - custom - with slack/surplus variables;

    where, in cOLS problems, K is the number of independent variables in the model (including the constant), K\* is the number of eventual extra variables in CONSTRAINTS, and N is the number of observations; in TM, M and N are the dimensions of the matrix; and in custom cases, M and N or M x (N + l) are the dimensions of a.

    Task: Estimate the matrix of trade matrix with zero diagonal elements, the country shares in which are unknown:
    We will use the multistep program tmpinvi for this purpose:
            . clear
            . * Let's make a dataset using Mata code and print it
            . set obs 10
            . gen str13 country_id = ""
            . mata: st_local("b", "Country #"); st_local("e", "Rest of World")
            . mata: st_sstore(., "country_id", ("`b'":+strofreal(1::9)\"`e'"))
            . gen float exports = runiform(0, 1000)
            . gen float imports = runiform(0, 1000)
            . list
            . * OLS estimation (possible for TM because of their estimation method):
            . tmpinvi exports imports, zerod adj(ave)          l(0) u(1000)
            . matlist r(solution)
            . return list
            . * Minimum-norm least-squares generalized solution:
            . tmpinvi exports imports, zerod adj(ave) subm(10) l(0) u(1000)
            . matlist r(solution)
            . return list

    NB Please consult the tmpinvi help file for the specifics of the TM problems (they have a "characteristic matrix", estimation via contiguous submatrices, pre-compiled Monte Carlo-based t-test samples, etc.).

    1. Albert, A., 1972. Regression And The Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse. New York: Academic Press.
    2. Bolotov, I. 2014. Modeling of Time Series Cyclical Component on a Defined Set of Stationary Points and its Application on the US Business Cycle. [Paper presentation]. The 8th International Days of Statistics and Economics: Prague.
    3. Bolotov, I. 2015. Modeling Bilateral Flows in Economics by Means of Exact Mathematical Methods. [Paper presentation]. The 9th International Days of Statistics and Economics: Prague.
    PS Please also check the Web of Science (WoS) for new research on LPLS. I will soon have some research papers published.

  • #2
    There is a Python version of the lppinv program with the exactly same functionality (downloadable from PyPi):
    It uses scipy and statsmodels for the SVD-based estimation, t-tests, and OLS.

    import numpy  as np
    import lppinv as lp
    # cOLS problem
    print('\n', lp.solve(
        rhs=np.array([[0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0.2, 0.9, 2.1]]).T,
        constraints=np.array([np.ones(4), [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 5, 2, 8]]).T,
        model=np.array([np.ones(4), [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 5, 2, 8]]).T,
        slackvars=np.array([[-1, 1, -1, 0]]).T,
    # TM problem
    def rnormal(r=None, c=None):
        return (np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=(r, c)))
    print('\n', lp.solve(
        rhs=np.array([[4, 5, 3, 4, 6], [1, 2, 0, np.nan, np.nan]]).T,
    # custom problem
    print('\n', lp.solve(
        rhs=np.array([[2, 3, 9], [5, 7, 9]]).T,
        model=np.vstack([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]),

    lp.solve() returns:

    class lp.LPpinvResult(
    • OLSResults : statsmodels.regression.linear_model.OLSResults or None, statsmodels' results class for for an OLS model
    • TtestResult : (scipy.stats._result_classes.TtestResult, scipy.stats._result_classes.TtestResult, scipy.stats._result_classes.TtestResult) or(None, None, None), scipy's result of a t-test
    • solution : array_like, the solution obtained from the LPLS estimator
    • a : array_like, the a matrix
    • nrmse : float, root mean square error normalized by the standard deviation of b
    • r2_c : float or np.nan, R-squared for CONSTRAINTS in TM
    Last edited by Ilya Bolotov; 22 Feb 2024, 07:21.

