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  • ivreg2 issue when interacting


    I'm Daniel, and I am attempting, for the first time, to use an instrument variable (IV) derived from the interaction between two variables. I'm employing 'ivreg2,' and I am not entirely certain if I am proceeding correctly. Let me provide you with some context.

    I'm estimating the impact of a mother's education on infant mortality. To achieve this, I am leveraging a classroom construction program that had significant effects on women's education. Infant mortality is measured as the probability of having one deceased child, while exposure to the program is gauged by the interaction between 'treated_cohort' (1 if the cohort was affected) and the number of new classes constructed per 10,000 population in the vicinity (within 5 km) of the observations. Below is my sample:

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float infant_mort byte education_years float(treatment_cohort newclassrooms)
    0  0 . 32.692307
    1  0 . 21.153847
    0  0 .         0
    0  0 1 32.692307
    .  0 . 21.153847
    . 13 1 21.153847
    .  0 0 21.153847
    .  0 . 32.692307
    0  0 .  9.615385
    .  0 . 21.153847
    0  2 1 21.153847
    1  4 . 21.153847
    0  0 . 21.153847
    0  0 . 32.692307
    0  5 1 21.153847
    0  0 1         0
    .  0 0  19.23077
    0  0 . 21.153847
    .  7 1 11.538462
    .  0 . 11.538462
    0  9 . 21.153847
    .  0 0 11.538462
    0  0 . 21.153847
    0  0 . 21.153847
    0  0 1 21.153847
    .  1 . 21.153847
    1  0 . 11.538462
    0  0 . 21.153847
    .  5 1 11.538462
    0  0 0  19.23077
    0  0 . 32.692307
    0  0 .         0
    0  0 1 11.538462
    1  0 1 21.153847
    0  5 . 32.692307
    label values infant_mort infant_mort
    label def infant_mort 0 "all alive", modify
    label def infant_mort 1 "dead child", modify
    label values education_years V133
    label values treatment_cohort treatedcohorts
    label def treatedcohorts 0 "pre", modify
    label def treatedcohorts 1 "post", modify
    Key: After confirming the significant effects of this program on women's education (years of education), I intend to employ two-stage least squares (2SLS) to estimate the impact of the educational advancements resulting from the classroom construction program on infant mortality. I'm utilizing the following equation:

    ivreg2 infant_mort (education_years=c.newclassrooms#treatment_cohort) newclassrooms i.ethnicity i.religion i.rural i.cohort i.commune4 i.survey2  if questionnaire=="women", cluster(id_geo)
    So I'm intrumentalizing women's education using an interaction. First I would like to know if in terms of coding, and considering that is an interaction I'm doing it right. Second, I suspect this is not running well because of the following outcome message:

    Warning: estimated covariance matrix of moment conditions not of full rank.
    overidentification statistic not reported, and standard errors and
    model tests should be interpreted with caution.
    Possible causes:
    number of clusters insufficient to calculate robust covariance matrix
    singleton dummy variable (dummy with one 1 and N-1 0s or vice versa)
    partial option may address problem.

    Also, and more Importantly I get this at the end of the ivreg2 outcome:

    Instrumented:         education_years
    Included instruments: newclassrooms 2.ethnicity 3.ethnicity
                          4.ethnicity 5.ethnicity 6.ethnicity 10.ethnicity
                          11.ethnicity 2.religion 3.religion 4.religion 96.religion
                          2.rural 1977.cohort 1978.cohort 1979.cohort 1980.cohort
                          1981.cohort 1982.cohort 1983.cohort 1984.cohort
                          1985.cohort 1990.cohort 1991.cohort 1992.cohort
                          1993.cohort 1994.cohort 1995.cohort 1996.cohort
                          1997.cohort 1998.cohort 1999.cohort 2.commune4 3.commune4
                          4.commune4 5.commune4 6.commune4 7.commune4 8.commune4
                          9.commune4 10.commune4 11.commune4 12.commune4 13.commune4
                          14.commune4 15.commune4 16.commune4 17.commune4
                          18.commune4 19.commune4 20.commune4 21.commune4
                          22.commune4 23.commune4 24.commune4 25.commune4
                          26.commune4 27.commune4 28.commune4 29.commune4
                          30.commune4 31.commune4 32.commune4 33.commune4
                          34.commune4 35.commune4 36.commune4 37.commune4
                          38.commune4 39.commune4 40.commune4 41.commune4
                          42.commune4 43.commune4 44.commune4 45.commune4
                          46.commune4 47.commune4 48.commune4 49.commune4
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                          386.commune4 387.commune4 388.commune4 2.survey2 3.survey2
                          4.survey2 5.survey2 6.survey2 7.survey2 8.survey2
    Excluded instruments: 0b.treatment_cohort#c.newclassrooms
    Dropped collinear:    1.treatment_cohort#c.newclassrooms (this are the treated why is it dropped??)
    It should be stressed that I don't have colinearity issues when I use reg and check the effect of the interaction on women's education, everything works pretty well. In conclusion, I'm certain I may have overlooked something, but I'm not sure what it is. I apologize if I've provided too many details, and I genuinely appreciate your assistance. I have tried to understand with help ivreg2 what happens but it's not very clear for me. Thank you in advance.

    Last edited by Daniel Perez Parra; 20 Feb 2024, 12:42.