I have data for crop production for three time periods for around 2000 households. The data is collected for agricultural plots. these plots are nested within households (as some households cultivate more than one agricultural plot), the hosueholds are located within different agro-ecological which are in turn located within different divisions.
Over the three time periods all households do not cultivate the same plots. for example it is possible that in round 1 a household may cultivate three plots but in round 2 it may cultivate only 2 plots.
I for a panel data by defining a variable using households and plot
egen Panel_var=group(Household Plot)
I run a fixed effects model where the dependent variable is Crop Yield and the main independent variable is a dummy of whether the household acquired Credit. I also control for several plot, and household characteristics.
I include Round fixed effects and agro-ecological fixed effects.
I am having difficulty interpreting the plot fixed effects and the agro-ecological fixed effects.
If i run a fixed effects model (which controls for plot fixed effects) then how can it also allow me to include agro-ecological fixed effects as the former is nested in the latter?
Over the three time periods all households do not cultivate the same plots. for example it is possible that in round 1 a household may cultivate three plots but in round 2 it may cultivate only 2 plots.
I for a panel data by defining a variable using households and plot
egen Panel_var=group(Household Plot)
I run a fixed effects model where the dependent variable is Crop Yield and the main independent variable is a dummy of whether the household acquired Credit. I also control for several plot, and household characteristics.
I include Round fixed effects and agro-ecological fixed effects.
I am having difficulty interpreting the plot fixed effects and the agro-ecological fixed effects.
If i run a fixed effects model (which controls for plot fixed effects) then how can it also allow me to include agro-ecological fixed effects as the former is nested in the latter?