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  • Fuzzy RDD:why is there an inconsistency between rdplot and fuzzy rdrobust?

    Hi all,

    I am trying to apply the fuzzy regression discontinuity framework to a dataset reporting electoral results at the candidate level for municipal elections.

    Outcome variable = improvement in the candidate rank (on the basis of votes obtained) after election with respect to the rank assigned to him/her before elections.
    The score and the treatment are shared by all candidates in a given municipality, thus I have many mass points. I have around 300 municipalities and 2 years of observations.

    I try to apply a fuzzy regression discontinuity design because I have non-compliance on both sides.

    This is the rdplot displaying the discontinuity at the cutoff, of around 1.5.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	rdplot.png
Views:	1
Size:	32.5 KB
ID:	1743822

    Then, if I run the sharp rdrobust (to check for the ITT), I get a plausible magnitude of the coefficient, with correct sign and strong significance:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	rdrobust_sharp.png
Views:	1
Size:	121.7 KB
ID:	1743823

    However, If I add the fuzzy component, I get an implausible coefficient.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	rdrobust_fuzzy.png
Views:	1
Size:	162.8 KB
ID:	1743824

    Do you have an idea of the reason behind this inconsistency?

    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Last edited by Lorenzo Bombino; 19 Feb 2024, 10:54.

  • #2
    Hey Lorenzo,

    it would be great if you could provide some example data using dataex from ssc. I am not sure if that is a potential solution, but I realized that your treatment effect using rdrobust, fuzzy() is approx.1.5 scaled by 100. Is there a chance that the scaling of any of the variables is the issue?



    • #3
      I looked at this using the senate data and get similar discrepancies. Curious if someone has an explanation.


      • #4
        Hey Sebastian Schirner , thanks a lot for your feedback!
        I am afraid the scale is not the issue.
        You should now find attached a sample dataset for one year only. The score variable is called margin_instr, the treatment is mayor_treatment, while the outcome is rank_improv.
        Data are at the municipality level, and each municipality has many candidates.
        As you can see, also for 2018 only, the same issue of discrepancy arises.
        If I regress the treatment on the score, I do get a very high and significant coefficient, which would make me think that the I stage is not an issue. However, when I move to the fuzzy rdrobust command, the I stage displays weird results.

        Dear George Ford , thanks for the feedback! Does the same discrepancy arise when moving from the sharp to the fuzzy design?

        Many thanks!
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Yes. The two are nothing alike. I haven't studied it to figure out why, but will eventually get around to it.

