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  • Appending large Excel files and creating variables for each file

    Dear all,

    I have a large dataset, 1380 excel files in all. The files are monthly precipitation and have names band1-band1380. The first 12 files, band1-band12, correspond to months: 1, 2,….12 of 1900. Files, band13-band24 represent months: 1, 2,……12 of 1901…….and band1368-band1380 are for months:1,2,……12 of 2014. Each file does not contain variables for month and year.

    I would like to write a loop to append all the files but call each file at a time and create the month and year variables in the order explained above.

    Any help offered would be appreciated.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Would you like the final data in long or wide format?
    Also, what is the data structure within each file?


    • #3
      Hi Wei,

      Thank you for the quick response. Please I would like to have the final data in a lond form. I have just three vars in each file. All vars are numeric.


      • #4
        tempfile myfile
        save `myfile', emptyok
        local j 0
        forval i=1/1380{
            import excel band`i'.xls, clear
            local ++j
            gen month=`j'
            gen year= 1899+ceil(`i'/12)
            append using `myfile'
            save `myfile', replace
            local j= cond(`j'==12, 0, `j')
        use `myfile', clear
        Last edited by Andrew Musau; 19 Feb 2024, 10:21.


        • #5
          Hi Andrew,

          Many thanks for the feedback and the code. I just tested the code. However, I received the following error: "option replace not allowed". When I remove the "replace" option, the code runs perfectly. But the final data contains observations only for month=12 and year=2014.

          Is there a way to modify it?


          • #6
            See the edited code in #4.


            • #7
              Hi Andrew,

              The eidted code worked perfectly. Thank you for the assistance!

