Dear all, I am struggling with the following issue: as far as I know, the KHB decomposition can be used both for binary and continuous dependent variables. The latter is my case, and my goal is to decompose the 'effect' of
Those on the rigth side of the command are instead the other control variables, whose I am not interested in estimating their mediation 'effect' (the way I wrote down the command should be fine, correct?)
However, I did not find any clear way how to interpret the results: in general, what does the value mean in 'Reduced', 'Full' and 'Diff' for each variable? See below my example, with data and output:
Any help would be super appreciated (and sorry for the apparently silly question).
Best, GP
Those on the rigth side of the command are instead the other control variables, whose I am not interested in estimating their mediation 'effect' (the way I wrote down the command should be fine, correct?)
However, I did not find any clear way how to interpret the results: in general, what does the value mean in 'Reduced', 'Full' and 'Diff' for each variable? See below my example, with data and output:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(isei migration_status_decima) byte age float(edu_3 male) int refyear byte num_pers_less15 23.46 2 27 2 0 2008 2 56.5 0 27 2 1 2008 0 44.87 0 22 2 0 2008 0 . 0 22 2 0 2008 0 43.06 0 17 1 0 2008 0 31.15 0 17 1 1 2008 0 . 0 17 1 1 2008 0 19.78 0 27 2 1 2008 0 25.91 0 22 2 1 2008 0 . 0 17 1 0 2008 0 end label values migration_status_decima migration_status_decima label def migration_status_decima 0 "Nat", modify label def migration_status_decima 2 "HEC", modify label values age age_VL label def age_VL 17 "15-19 years of age", modify label def age_VL 22 "20-24 years of age", modify label def age_VL 27 "25-29 years of age", modify label values num_pers_less15 hhnb0014_VL
. khb reg isei classify edu_3 || age num_pers_less15 male refyear , level(90) Decomposition using Linear Probability Models Model-Type: regress Number of obs = 14305 Variables of Interest: classify edu_3 R-squared = 0.30 Z-variable(s): age num_pers_less15 male refyear ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ isei | Coefficient Std. err. z P>|z| [95% conf. interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- classify | Reduced | -1.406022 .1180286 -11.91 0.000 -1.637354 -1.17469 Full | -1.139395 .1195589 -9.53 0.000 -1.373726 -.9050637 Diff | -.2666269 .046166 -5.78 0.000 -.3571106 -.1761432 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- edu_3 | Reduced | 13.74171 .1913254 71.82 0.000 13.36672 14.1167 Full | 13.00491 .2040177 63.74 0.000 12.60504 13.40478 Diff | .7367982 .0823742 8.94 0.000 .5753478 .8982487 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any help would be super appreciated (and sorry for the apparently silly question).
Best, GP