I'm looking to perform matching where certain variables are matched exactly (year and industry code), while others are matched based on the closest distance or smallest variance (sales and ebit margin). Next, I want to identify the control group individuals matched to each treatment group individual, utilizing a unique ID. Although `psmatch2` enables the immediate identification of these IDs post-matching, it lacks a feature for exact matching. On the opposite, `nnmatch` supports exact matching but doesn't readily display the IDs. Is there any solution to this issue? Thank you very much.
I'm looking to perform matching where certain variables are matched exactly (year and industry code), while others are matched based on the closest distance or smallest variance (sales and ebit margin). Next, I want to identify the control group individuals matched to each treatment group individual, utilizing a unique ID. Although `psmatch2` enables the immediate identification of these IDs post-matching, it lacks a feature for exact matching. On the opposite, `nnmatch` supports exact matching but doesn't readily display the IDs. Is there any solution to this issue? Thank you very much.