I have a dataset that contains the following variables: unique household id (hhold), unique household member id (id) within each household, a variable that defines relationship with head of the household (relationship). I want to create a dataset where each row represents a unique sibling pair within the household. Specifically, individuals with the relationship values 1 and 7 would form one type of sibling pair, 2 and 10 would form another, individuals with values 3 would be siblings as well, so would individuals with values 5 and 5, 8 and 8. How would I go about doing this?
I have a dataset that contains the following variables: unique household id (hhold), unique household member id (id) within each household, a variable that defines relationship with head of the household (relationship). I want to create a dataset where each row represents a unique sibling pair within the household. Specifically, individuals with the relationship values 1 and 7 would form one type of sibling pair, 2 and 10 would form another, individuals with values 3 would be siblings as well, so would individuals with values 5 and 5, 8 and 8. How would I go about doing this?