I am estimating the effects of the proximity to a newly constructed highway on labor market outcomes at the district level. I am using the distance between the population-weighted district centroid and the highway as the treatment variable.
I thought about using the following regression equation where i and t subscripts denote district and year respectively, so yit is the labor market outcome for district i and year t, Distanceit is the aforementioned distance variable, θi is the district fixed effects, δt is the year fixed effects, and εit is the idiosyncratic error term.
yit = β0 + β1 Distanceit + θi + δt + εit
One tricky thing about this specification is that the Distanceit variable changes by district and year, taking the value of 0 before the highway stretch near the district is completed and taking the value of the continuous distance measure for years after the highway stretch was completed.
However, the issue of this model is that I cannot distinguish between the case when the distance to the highway is 0 km and the case when the distance to the highway is non-zero but since it is from pre-treatment time, the distance variable takes the 0 value.
I have two questions.
1. Is there a better and more sane way to model this?
2. I assume I can use something like the Callaway and Sant'Anna DID with continuous treatment with distance as the treatment dose and the year of treatment being the group (untreated years being 0). Is there a way to execute this in Stata with the continuous treatment variable?
I am estimating the effects of the proximity to a newly constructed highway on labor market outcomes at the district level. I am using the distance between the population-weighted district centroid and the highway as the treatment variable.
I thought about using the following regression equation where i and t subscripts denote district and year respectively, so yit is the labor market outcome for district i and year t, Distanceit is the aforementioned distance variable, θi is the district fixed effects, δt is the year fixed effects, and εit is the idiosyncratic error term.
yit = β0 + β1 Distanceit + θi + δt + εit
One tricky thing about this specification is that the Distanceit variable changes by district and year, taking the value of 0 before the highway stretch near the district is completed and taking the value of the continuous distance measure for years after the highway stretch was completed.
However, the issue of this model is that I cannot distinguish between the case when the distance to the highway is 0 km and the case when the distance to the highway is non-zero but since it is from pre-treatment time, the distance variable takes the 0 value.
I have two questions.
1. Is there a better and more sane way to model this?
2. I assume I can use something like the Callaway and Sant'Anna DID with continuous treatment with distance as the treatment dose and the year of treatment being the group (untreated years being 0). Is there a way to execute this in Stata with the continuous treatment variable?