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  • estat gof not working after svy: ologit - goodness of fit test

    I am trying to use "estat gof" after running "svy: ologit" model and I got an error message: "invalid subcommand gof"
    The dataset is from LAPOP (Americas Barometer)


    svyset upm [pw=weight1500], strata(estratopri)

    svy: ologit occ age female ed married employed rural pardo black mestizo indigenous other colori sexi
    estat gof

    After the results I get:
    . estat gof
    invalid subcommand gof

    Does "estat gof" not work with ologit? A reviewer suggested we estimate the BIC and AIC for our models, and since BIC/AIC don't work with survey data, I am trying to figure out another way to test goodness of fit, does anyone have another suggestion?

    Any help would be much appreciated.
    Last edited by rubia valente; 15 Feb 2024, 11:01.

  • #2
    the Homer-lemeshow test (not a good test anyway) does not work after -ologit- and also does not work after -svy-; if calibration is what you want, a search on statelist should find lots of discussions of calibration plots (comparison of predicted and observed values); the user-written -pmcalplot- may be useful as an approximation (the help file does not mention ordered outcomes but you can probably follow its advice re: continuous variables and get something useful; use -search- to locate and download

