I am able to perform psmatch2 with an exact match on one variable. I learned to do this by searching older posts on this forum.
For example, I could do an exact match on AGE (numerical variable).
But what if I want to perform exact matches on DECEASED_TY (categorical: 1=deceased donor kidney transplant, 0=living donor kidney transplant) and RRCC (categorical: 1=White race, 2=Black race, 3=Hispanic, 4=others) in addition to the exact match on AGE. How do I do that? And if I cannot do exact matches with psmatch2, which command should I use?
For example, I could do an exact match on AGE (numerical variable).
probit GROUP1 AGE RSXM RRCC DECEASED_TY DIABETES_FINAL THYMO_IND_FINAL CAMPATH_IND_FINAL SIMULECT_IND_FINAL predict double pscore if e(sample) egen GROUP_AGE = group(AGE) generate double pscore2 = GROUP_AGE*10+pscore rsort psmatch2 GROUP1, outcome(PTLD) neighbor(1) noreplacement caliper(0.01) pscore(pscore2)