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  • Panel Data Fixed Effects

    Hi Everyone,

    I needed help in dealing with endogeneity in panel data with fixed effects analysis. I have tried to setup my instrumental regression like this

    xtivreg log_loan_amount refinancing_loan home_purchase_loan applicant_sex minority (Fintech log_applicant_income = minority applicant_sex home_purchase_loan loan_type tract_to_msamd_income), fe first
    (Fintech and applicant income are endogenous variables)

    But the R2 in this way is too low.

    The other way which gives me better R2 is through solving this way:

    xtreg (log_applicant_income Fintech) minority loan_type loan_type refinancing_loan home_purchase_loan applicant_sex,fe robust
    predict v1hat, resid
    xtreg log_loan_amount log_applicant_income Fintech refinancing_loan home_purchase_loan applicant_sex v1hat,fe robust
    test v1hat

    Can you please tell me if the second alternative method is right to solve for endogeneity?

    Kind regards.

  • #2
    The R-Squared in IV regression is quite a weird unusual concept.

    I presume you're in economics. In labour economics at least, we care a lot more about causality than the percentage of variability in the DV that our model explains. I would stick with IV if you believe in the exclusion restriction for your instruments.


    • #3
      Because your model is overidentified you can produce something like the Sargan J Statistic


      • #4
        Thank you very much, Maxence Morlet. Really appreciate your help.

        Yeah, this is coming from an economic perspective. Can you please explain a little more about why would you like to stick with IV. For giving you a better idea, I am sharing with you the final regression of xtvireg.
        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 12.32.28 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	125.0 KB
ID:	1743315


        • #5
          I am also sharing with you the result of the second methodology with v1hat. Please correct me if I am missing something. I am really looking forward to your reply.

          Thank you once again,

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 12.33.51 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	134.9 KB
ID:	1743317


          • #6
            Can I see the first stage as well? Type option “first” in xtivreg


            • #7
              The xtivreg by the way also automatically adjusts standard errors for the loss of degrees of freedom due to the fitted values being estimated


              • #8
                Dear Maxence Morlet,

                Yeah sure. Please see the first stage. Thank you very much for your help.
                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 11.53.43 AM.png
Views:	1
Size:	156.5 KB
ID:	1743365

                Attached Files

