Hi All,
I'm working on a project that requires a separate survey link in Qualtrics for each monthly survey (24-month longitudinal study with surveys administered every 2 months) and each individual participant. So, if I have 100 participants in my 24-month cohort, there will be 1200 separate Qualtrics survey links, each saved as separate datafiles. So, we need to first merge each participant's monthly surveys into individual participant-level files and then appended the participant level files into one master data file with all participants and all months. This is not too difficult when only one user is exporting from Qualtrics and importing into Stata, but we are hoping to find a way that allows multiple team members to be able to read the same .do files. Currently, this doesn't work because the file location names are linked to our individual local file directories. To get around this, we have created a SharePoint site where the Qualtrics data will be exported. Long story short, I am hoping to find a way for Stata to read the SharePoint https link containing the Qualtrics data in either csv, excel, or spss format (preferably spss).
I tried the following code:
tempfile raw
copy "https:// myurl.csv"
import delimited `raw'
But, I get the error: "web error 403".
Does anyone know if it is possible to import a file using a SharePoint link?
Thank you in advance.
I'm working on a project that requires a separate survey link in Qualtrics for each monthly survey (24-month longitudinal study with surveys administered every 2 months) and each individual participant. So, if I have 100 participants in my 24-month cohort, there will be 1200 separate Qualtrics survey links, each saved as separate datafiles. So, we need to first merge each participant's monthly surveys into individual participant-level files and then appended the participant level files into one master data file with all participants and all months. This is not too difficult when only one user is exporting from Qualtrics and importing into Stata, but we are hoping to find a way that allows multiple team members to be able to read the same .do files. Currently, this doesn't work because the file location names are linked to our individual local file directories. To get around this, we have created a SharePoint site where the Qualtrics data will be exported. Long story short, I am hoping to find a way for Stata to read the SharePoint https link containing the Qualtrics data in either csv, excel, or spss format (preferably spss).
I tried the following code:
tempfile raw
copy "https:// myurl.csv"
import delimited `raw'
But, I get the error: "web error 403".
Does anyone know if it is possible to import a file using a SharePoint link?
Thank you in advance.