I am experimenting with a ivreg2 versus ivprobit for a binary variable for hospital readmissions, using the following code:
xi: xtivreg2 readmission (ind=diff1) i.agecat sex i.imddecile i.charlindex yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 weekdays winter, robust fe cluster(hrg4) endog(ind)
xi: ivprobit readmission (ind=diff1) i.agecat sex i.imddecile i.charlindex i.hrg4 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 weekdays winter, vce (cluster hrg4)
the xtivreg2 lets me use endog (ind) as a postestimation command for endogeneity tests, it also produces a F-stat.
How can I get the equivalent from ivprobit?
xi: xtivreg2 readmission (ind=diff1) i.agecat sex i.imddecile i.charlindex yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 weekdays winter, robust fe cluster(hrg4) endog(ind)
xi: ivprobit readmission (ind=diff1) i.agecat sex i.imddecile i.charlindex i.hrg4 yr1 yr2 yr3 yr4 weekdays winter, vce (cluster hrg4)
the xtivreg2 lets me use endog (ind) as a postestimation command for endogeneity tests, it also produces a F-stat.
How can I get the equivalent from ivprobit?