I am currently running a DID model in Stata and I am facing an issue which I can´t wrap my head around.
I have panel data with daily yield data on bonds and the corresponding bond id´s. I have already created a treat and post dummy as well as an interaction variable (treat x post).
I ran the simple DID model without fixed effects with the following code:
This worked without any problems and the results are as I expected them to be. After this I tried running the model with two-way fixed effects with time (days) and the bond id´s as fixed effects. I used the following code and dropped treat and post:
Now the problem is that the dummys for the bond id´s (for the fixed effects) are all omitted because of collinearity. I do not understand why this is the case.
I should note that there are several bonds in the dataset belonging to the same firm. Could this be the cause of the problem? Should I rather try firm fixed effects?
Best regards
I am currently running a DID model in Stata and I am facing an issue which I can´t wrap my head around.
I have panel data with daily yield data on bonds and the corresponding bond id´s. I have already created a treat and post dummy as well as an interaction variable (treat x post).
I ran the simple DID model without fixed effects with the following code:
xtset id date xtreg yield treat post interaction, robust
xtreg yield interaction i.id i.date, fe vce(cluster id)
I should note that there are several bonds in the dataset belonging to the same firm. Could this be the cause of the problem? Should I rather try firm fixed effects?
Best regards