to export the table of descriptive statistics I am using the "asdoc" command. With this command, I only receive the mean, standard deviation, min and max values of my variables. But I also want to show the median of my choosen variables. So far I tried:
"asdoc sum leverage1 leverage2 leverage3 leverage5 leverage4 logAssets Tangibility1 Liquidity Profitability Growth Revenues_w if post==0,stat(mean sd p50) append title(Descriptive Statistics) save(Descriptive Statistics.doc)"
With this command, I only get the values at the 1st and 99th percentile. I am confused how to solve this issue.
to export the table of descriptive statistics I am using the "asdoc" command. With this command, I only receive the mean, standard deviation, min and max values of my variables. But I also want to show the median of my choosen variables. So far I tried:
"asdoc sum leverage1 leverage2 leverage3 leverage5 leverage4 logAssets Tangibility1 Liquidity Profitability Growth Revenues_w if post==0,stat(mean sd p50) append title(Descriptive Statistics) save(Descriptive Statistics.doc)"
With this command, I only get the values at the 1st and 99th percentile. I am confused how to solve this issue.