Hello Statalist Community,
I hope everything is well!
I'm going crazy with a loop I'm trying to implement on stata. I would like to save the results to another .dta file, as my dataset is very large, and to do this I use the -post- command.
However, I've been getting the same error for a while, and I don't understand why it's happening.
Here's part of my do-file:
And this is the error I get:
I think it's a coding error on my part, but I don't know where. Here is a small -dataex-:
I beg you: could someone please help me understand my error?
Many thanks in advance!
I hope everything is well!
I'm going crazy with a loop I'm trying to implement on stata. I would like to save the results to another .dta file, as my dataset is very large, and to do this I use the -post- command.
However, I've been getting the same error for a while, and I don't understand why it's happening.
Here's part of my do-file:
// --------------------------------------------- // clear all capture log close set more off set seed 202402 set varabbrev off version 17 // --------------------------------------------- // * global global data "C:/Users/miduarte/Desktop/Ongoing_Projects/test_HolaLuz_Data/New_dataset_15112023/stata/2_export_telemedida/data/random/" global destkop "C:/Users/miduarte/Desktop" // --------------------------------------------- // use `id_zip_complete', clear cd "${desktop}" *Set up file to capture coefficient estimates postutil clear tempname iLevOLSResults postfile `iLevOLSResults' ID p_ols0 se_ols0 p_ols1 se_ols1 p_ols2 se_ols2 p_ols3 se_ols3 /// using "iLevOLSResultsIV_GN.dta", replace levelsof id, local(idlist) local loop = 1 disp c(current_time) foreach i of local idlist { disp "loop == `loop'" disp "id == `i'" preserve keep if id == `i' qui { *generate time and temp variables egen byte ym = group(y m) gen int block=1 if hr>=1&hr<=4 replace block=2 if hr>=5&hr<=8 replace block=3 if hr>=9&hr<=12 replace block=4 if hr>=13&hr<=16 replace block=5 if hr>=17&hr<=20 replace block=6 if hr>=21&hr<=24 gen lnkwh = asinh(kwh) gen int peak = 1 if block >= 3 replace peak = 0 if peak == . foreach x in 1 7 365 { gen tau_`x' = (t+0.5)/`x'*_pi*2 gen tau2_`x' = tau_`x'^2 forvalues k = 1(1)4 { gen cos`k'tau_`x' = cos(tau_`x'/`k') } } * re-scale variables foreach v of varlist tau* { egen mean`v' = mean(`v') egen sd`v' = sd(`v') replace `v' = (`v'-mean`v')/sd`v' drop mean`v' sd`v' } } * Regressions ***************** * Create locals (clean from previous loop) forvalues spec = 0(1)3 { cap forvalues inst = 0(1)1 { local beta_ols`spec'`inst' = . local beta_se`spec'`inst' = . } } * Fixed effects forvalues spec = 0(1)3 { cap { qui reghdfe lnkwh, absorb(`xvars_ols`spec'') local beta_ols`spec' = e(b)[1,1] local se_ols`spec' = sqrt(e(V)[1,1]) } cap forvalues inst = 0(1)1 { qui ivreghdfe lnkwh, absorb(`xvars_ols`spec'') local beta_iv`spec'`inst' = e(b)[1,1] local se_iv`spec'`inst' = sqrt(e(V)[1,1]) } } post `iLevOLSResults' (`i') (`beta_ols0') (`se_ols0') /// (`beta_ols1') (`se_ols1') /// (`beta_ols2') (`se_ols2') /// (`beta_ols3') (`se_ols3') restore local loop = `loop' + 1 } postclose `iLevOLSResults' use "${desktop}/iLevOLSResultsIV_GN.dta", clear exit, clear
invalid syntax post: above message corresponds to expression 4, variable p_ols1 r(198);
I think it's a coding error on my part, but I don't know where. Here is a small -dataex-:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input long id float(y m dom) byte hr float kwh long sp_zipcode 1039 2021 3 24 18 .219 8021 1039 2021 2 10 12 .146 8021 1039 2021 1 31 3 .133 8021 end
I beg you: could someone please help me understand my error?
Many thanks in advance!