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  • Exploratory factorial analysis with polychoric matrix

    I'm running a exploratory factorial analysis with a polychoric matrix (Likert scale answers from 1 to 5). Can we use the saved matrix from the polychoric command(rpoly) together with factor or factortest? I've been trying and they say they can't find a variable, but I've tried factormat rpoly and it works perfectly.
    Thanks so much.

  • #2
    -factortest- is a user-written command as the FAQ asks you to explain; as far as I know, only -factormat-, of the commands you mention, can use the matrix you describe; if you tell us what you are trying to do, someone might be able to help get you there


    • #3
      I'm trying to do an EFA with a polychoric matrix (validation of a psychological test with a Likert scale). I want to obtain the KMO and Barlett test, and if it is posible a PCF analysis with varimax rotation, but not sure I can do it with this type of matrix.


      • #4
        This is doable. See this UCLA OARS guide.


        • #5
          yes, you can; e.g., use -estat kmo- after using -factormat- for the factor analysis; you can also use any of the rotations (the help files says, "rotate performs a rotation of the loading matrix after factor,
          factormat, pca, and pcamat;" I am not familiar with the Bartlett test and and a search of the help file did not find anything; see
          h factor
          help factor_postestimation
          edit: crossed with #4

