Using the new xtmlogit function the choice of base outcome appears to matter where it doesn't (as expected) for mlogit.
E.g., using the reference manual example (p.330 v18)
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/estatus
xtset id
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner
generates a coefficient estimate for "Yes" to hhchild in the "Out_of_Labor_Force" equation (relative to default base of Employed) of .4628125 (this is as per manual)
Changing the base to "Out_of_Labor_Force"
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner, base(1)
generates a coefficient estimate for Yes to hhchild in the "Employed" equation (relative to the base of Out_of_Labor_Force) of -.4783626 (Model fit statistics (LL) also change)
If I estimate as mlogit and do the same I get, as expected, just a change in sign for the different base but the same size coefficient.
Why does choice of base matter to the estimated coefficient in xtmlogit and which estimate is "correct"?
Stata version 18
Using the new xtmlogit function the choice of base outcome appears to matter where it doesn't (as expected) for mlogit.
E.g., using the reference manual example (p.330 v18)
use https://www.stata-press.com/data/r18/estatus
xtset id
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner
generates a coefficient estimate for "Yes" to hhchild in the "Out_of_Labor_Force" equation (relative to default base of Employed) of .4628125 (this is as per manual)
Changing the base to "Out_of_Labor_Force"
xtmlogit estatus i.hhchild age hhincome i.hhsigno i.bwinner, base(1)
generates a coefficient estimate for Yes to hhchild in the "Employed" equation (relative to the base of Out_of_Labor_Force) of -.4783626 (Model fit statistics (LL) also change)
If I estimate as mlogit and do the same I get, as expected, just a change in sign for the different base but the same size coefficient.
Why does choice of base matter to the estimated coefficient in xtmlogit and which estimate is "correct"?
Stata version 18