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  • Multiway table with dtable

    Hello Stata Community,

    I am working with the dtable command and looking to create a table that utilizes two levels of classification in the by() option. i used to work with table command but dtable looks easier to use, however can't find documentation on the use of multilevel columns.

    for simplicity let's say we want to tabulate descriptive statistics of 3 variable (genre age couple), the following command does not work, how should i adjust it ?
    dtable genre couple age, by(type data)
    Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance!

  • #2
    It appears from -help dtable- that it only supports a single factor for grouping, likely because of the way it integrates with the possible hypothesis testing. You'll need to use -table- if you need 2 or more grouping variables.

