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  • Johnson s Transformation

    My dependent variable doesn't meet the normality assumption. I want to transform it using "jnsn" command. Can someone please guide me on the syntax to be used, I have been trying a few, but I am not sure of it.

  • #2
    Dear Quanita Shamoon,

    I cannot answer your question, but I can tell you that there is no requirement that the dependent variable follows a normal distribution, and that it is generally a bad idea to transform the dependent variable. If you tell us more about what you are doing, maybe we can help with that.

    Best wishes,



    • #3
      For once, I only almost agree with Joao Santos Silva For example, if the underlying model is y = ax^b or y = y_0 exp(-bx) generations of researchers have worked with log y and in the first case log x too.

      The details that can bite include

      1. you need to be clear whether the implications for error distributions are plausible (that depends intimately on the pattern of scatter)

      2. back-transformation to get predicted values may need more care than just the obvious exponentiation.

      I guess that is much of what Joao has in mind.

