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  • Compute a variable in days from a date to another one, by id and through different contracts

    Hi Statalist Community,

    I'd like to calculate the difference in days between the start and end of an individual's contracts count. However, I am particularly interested in the period between 1 January 2021 and 31 July 2023, which means that I am not interested in knowing whether an individual was already in my sample before this period or not.

    Here is a small -dataex- :

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input long id double(date_contract_start date_contract_end) long idcontrato
    1001 18887 21700    1001
    1001 21701 22431  451697
    1001 22432 22645 1236132
    1001 22646 22676 1730454
    1001 22677 22735 2082075
    1001 22736 23010 2172904
    1001 23011 23069 2872183
    1001 23070     . 3107888
    1005 18800 21639    1005
    1005 21640 21651  420392
    1005 21652 22066  432684
    1005 22067 22431  720923
    1005 22432 22456 1124767
    1005 22457 22645 1288758
    1005 22646 22676 1742918
    1005 22677 22735 2036693
    1005 22736 22888 2322897
    1005 22889 23010 2598018
    1005 23011 23041 2728124
    1005 23042 23130 2991589
    1005 23131     . 3215923
    1006 18800 21639    1006
    1006 21640 21651  420660
    1006 21652 22066  432754
    1006 22067 22431  716115
    format %td date_contract_start
    format %td date_contract_end
    The variables -id-, -idcontrato- represent respectively the ID from the client, and the Contract Number (or ID).
    • Warning: the trickiest thing is that some contracts started before 1 January 2021, but continue through my interest period. I want to count only the days from 1 January 2021 up to the last contract date that IDs have, but I don't know how to do it.
    • A good example above is ID "1005", which has a contract that starts on 1 June 2020 but continues until 31 May 2021, to be renewed thereafter.
    • Also, some of my ids have missing values if the contract doesn't end (if the -date_contract_end- variable is missing, this means that the contract is still in force).
    • Then, I also want to create a variable that denotes the total number of days between 1 January 2021 and 31 July 2023, please.
    Here's what I've tried, but it's wrong and doesn't give the expected values at all:

    * Sort the data by id and date_contract_start
    sort id date_contract_start
    * Calculate the duration variable in days for the first and last contracts
    by id: gen first_contract_date = date_contract_start[1]
    by id: gen last_contract_date = date_contract_end[_N]
    gen total_duration_days = last_contract_date - first_contract_date

    Can someone please help me?
    Thanks in advance!

    Last edited by Michael Duarte Goncalves; 05 Feb 2024, 03:18.

  • #2
    possibly useful
    egen maxdate = max(date_contract_end), by(id)
    format %td maxdate
    g date_contract_start_alt = date_contract_start
    replace date_contract_start_alt = td(01jan2021) if date_contract_start<td(01jan2021)
    format %td date_contract_start_alt


    • #3
      Hi George Ford:

      Thanks for sharing the code. Very useful indeed.

      Thanks again for your time!
      All the best,


