I have this dataset, I want to fill the missing when sum of earnings for group 1 and group 2. In other words, for each year fill the missing with value calculated for the year. That is because I need the two values for each observations for each year. The code I used as follows
egen AggEarnGroup1 = sum(earnings), by(fyear), if Group1==1
egen AggEarnGroup3 = sum(earnings), by(fyear), if Group3==1
------------------ copy up to and including the previous line ------------------
Listed 100 out of 109124 observations
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I have this dataset, I want to fill the missing when sum of earnings for group 1 and group 2. In other words, for each year fill the missing with value calculated for the year. That is because I need the two values for each observations for each year. The code I used as follows
egen AggEarnGroup1 = sum(earnings), by(fyear), if Group1==1
egen AggEarnGroup3 = sum(earnings), by(fyear), if Group3==1
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input long gvkey double fyear float(earnings Group1 Group3 AggEarnGroup1 AggEarnGroup3) 1001 1980 . 1 . 159.018 . 1001 1981 . 1 . 99.012 . 1001 1982 . 1 . -237.5578 . 1001 1983 1.135 1 . -169.8562 . 1001 1984 1.138 1 . -119.1924 . 1001 1985 2.2226 1 . -438.8768 . 1004 1980 3.606 . . . . 1004 1981 1.225 . . . . 1004 1982 2.795 . . . . 1004 1983 5.021 . . . . 1004 1984 9.071 . . . . 1004 1985 11.506 . . . . 1004 1986 15.361 . . . . 1004 1987 24.473 . . . . 1004 1988 24.814 . . . . 1004 1989 25.655 . . . . 1004 1990 16.781 . . . . 1004 1991 13.5 . . . . 1004 1992 6.883 . . . . 1004 1993 9.484 . . . . 1004 1994 10.463 . . . . 1004 1995 16.012 . . . . 1004 1996 23.025 . . . . 1004 1997 35.657 . . . . 1004 1998 41.671 . . . . 1004 1999 35.163 . . . . 1004 2000 21.771 . . . . 1004 2001 -7.339 . . . . 1004 2002 -9.194 . . . . 1004 2003 4.7238 . . . . 1004 2004 17.2748 . . . . 1004 2005 37.4988 . . . . 1005 1980 .926 . . . . 1005 1981 1.495 . . . . 1008 1983 -.885 1 . -169.8562 . 1008 1984 -.543 1 . -119.1924 . 1008 1985 -.794 1 . -438.8768 . 1011 1982 .265 . 1 . -257.15283 1011 1983 .033 . 1 . 760.9262 1011 1984 .065 . 1 . 668.9444 1011 1985 .044 . 1 . 316.2338 1011 1986 -.961 . 1 . 58.193 1011 1987 -.126 . 1 . 1026.6685 1011 1988 .0952 . 1 . 1170.6932 1011 1989 -.788 . 1 . 193.2934 1011 1990 -1.869 . 1 . -208.47455 1011 1991 -1.5476 . 1 . -221.4028 1011 1992 -2.1236 . 1 . -179.92877 1011 1993 -3.158 . 1 . 2048.11 1011 1994 -8.868 . 1 . 3945.824 1013 1980 3.354 . 1 . 319.3318 1013 1981 3.542 . 1 . 245.3378 1013 1982 4.464 . 1 . -257.15283 1013 1983 . . 1 . 760.9262 1013 1984 4.143 . 1 . 668.9444 1013 1985 7.871 . 1 . 316.2338 1013 1986 11.968 . 1 . 58.193 1013 1987 15.263 . 1 . 1026.6685 1013 1988 17.673 . 1 . 1170.6932 1013 1989 16.145 . 1 . 193.2934 1013 1990 22.903 . 1 . -208.47455 1013 1991 22.025 . 1 . -221.4028 1013 1992 23.306 . 1 . -179.92877 1013 1993 31.636 . 1 . 2048.11 1013 1994 40.521 . 1 . 3945.824 1013 1995 57.5344 . 1 . 5674.798 1013 1996 87.463 . 1 . 6889.65 1013 1997 122.457 . 1 . 6881.083 1013 1998 146.727 . 1 . -2.191605 1013 1999 177.0212 . 1 . -3606.507 1013 2000 313.04 . 1 . -11443.117 1013 2001 -300.4 . 1 . -46164.83 1013 2002 -808.04 . 1 . -8761.9375 1013 2003 -50.6 . 1 . 13818.103 1013 2004 36.58 . 1 . 22568.734 1013 2005 91.62 . 1 . 25367.99 1016 1980 1.2696 . . . . 1016 1981 1.012 . . . . 1016 1982 -.338 . . . . 1016 1983 .815 . . . . 1016 1984 2.211 . . . . 1016 1985 .405 . . . . 1016 1986 .987 . . . . 1016 1987 -.4344 . . . . 1017 1980 .478 . . . . 1017 1981 -4.722 . . . . 1017 1982 2.363 . . . . 1017 1983 4.395 . . . . 1017 1984 7.354 . . . . 1017 1985 5.8088 . . . . 1017 1986 3.321 . . . . 1017 1987 . . . . . 1017 1988 -2.9074 . . . . 1017 1989 -8.987 . . . . 1017 1990 1.6704 . . . . 1017 1991 1.8352 . . . . 1017 1992 -.736 . . . . 1017 1993 1.3884 . . . . 1017 1994 . . . . . 1022 1980 1.357 . . . . end
Listed 100 out of 109124 observations
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