Sorry, I am relatively new to Stata and I am struggling with a problem that shouldn't be too difficult but that I cannot solve.
I have a datafile with results of 5000 bootstrap replications.
I am using two variables from this file, DiffMeanQALY and DiffMeanCost. I am creating two new variables, CealingRatio and ProbCE, to create a graph.
For a large number of threshold values (called CeilingRatio) for the ratio of QALY to Cost (DiffMeanCost divided by DiffMeanQALY) I want to calculate how many of the 5000 replications are below this threshold (ProbCE).
I have some original code which is burdensome because it requires me to edit the increasing threshold values in many lines of code.
In the end, I am able to make a linegraph of the points with coordinates CeilingRatio (x-axis), ProbCE (y-axis, only a limited number of lines in the datafile contribute points to the graph, that is fine).
The original code is.
egen CeilingRatio = fill(0 5000) ** this establishes 5000 possible values for the x-axis **
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 0 (which I already converted from ‘count if 0’*DiffMeanQALY >= DiffMeanCost')
gen ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==0 ** ProbCE is calculated by dividing the count over 5000 **.
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 5000
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==5000
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 10000
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==10000
I want to replace this code with a loop that increases the threshold value every time the loop runs
I think forvalues would be the right approach, and I have used the following two:
forvalues i = 5000 (5000) 100000 {
count if ‘i’*DiffMeanQALY >= DiffMeanCost ** with the original code**
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==’i’
** alternative **
forvalues i = 5000 (5000) 100000 {
count if DiffMeanCost/DiffMeanQALY <= ‘i’ ** with the converted code for count **.
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==’i’
In both instances, the error message displayed is:
. forvalues i = 0 (50000) 1000000 {
2. count if DiffMeanCost/DiffMeanQALY <= 'i'
3. replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio=='i'
4. }
'i' invalid name
I have seen examples in the Stata syntax guide that uses the 'i' for calculations in the loop, but this is not working.
What am I doing wrong?
I have a datafile with results of 5000 bootstrap replications.
I am using two variables from this file, DiffMeanQALY and DiffMeanCost. I am creating two new variables, CealingRatio and ProbCE, to create a graph.
For a large number of threshold values (called CeilingRatio) for the ratio of QALY to Cost (DiffMeanCost divided by DiffMeanQALY) I want to calculate how many of the 5000 replications are below this threshold (ProbCE).
I have some original code which is burdensome because it requires me to edit the increasing threshold values in many lines of code.
In the end, I am able to make a linegraph of the points with coordinates CeilingRatio (x-axis), ProbCE (y-axis, only a limited number of lines in the datafile contribute points to the graph, that is fine).
The original code is.
egen CeilingRatio = fill(0 5000) ** this establishes 5000 possible values for the x-axis **
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 0 (which I already converted from ‘count if 0’*DiffMeanQALY >= DiffMeanCost')
gen ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==0 ** ProbCE is calculated by dividing the count over 5000 **.
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 5000
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==5000
count if DiffMeanCost / DiffMeanQALY <= 10000
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==10000
I want to replace this code with a loop that increases the threshold value every time the loop runs
I think forvalues would be the right approach, and I have used the following two:
forvalues i = 5000 (5000) 100000 {
count if ‘i’*DiffMeanQALY >= DiffMeanCost ** with the original code**
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==’i’
** alternative **
forvalues i = 5000 (5000) 100000 {
count if DiffMeanCost/DiffMeanQALY <= ‘i’ ** with the converted code for count **.
replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio==’i’
In both instances, the error message displayed is:
. forvalues i = 0 (50000) 1000000 {
2. count if DiffMeanCost/DiffMeanQALY <= 'i'
3. replace ProbCE = r(N)/5000 if CeilingRatio=='i'
4. }
'i' invalid name
I have seen examples in the Stata syntax guide that uses the 'i' for calculations in the loop, but this is not working.
What am I doing wrong?