I know there are SO many questions regarding this, but I just cannot get this to work. I am using Stata 18.
How would I convert feb102024 to date? Or any variation of MDY, for instance, February 20, 2024?
Also, is a string is like below
Is there an easy way to calculate the date interval? Or am I to just use split and such commands?
Thank you so much!
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I know there are SO many questions regarding this, but I just cannot get this to work. I am using Stata 18.
clear set obs 1 gen date_str = "feb102024"
Also, is a string is like below
clear set obs 1 gen date_str_1 = "feb10-24, 2024" gen date_str_2 = "feb10-mar10, 2024"
Thank you so much!
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