Hi! Everyone,
I am trying to run DOLS and want to find out the effect for each cross-section. I want to compute p-value automatically for each cross-section. I am currently using the following command but it is giving for the entire model. not individual cross-section.
xtcointreg modprice1 perish_days stringency perish_STR, xtrend(1) est(dols) dic(aic) full
foreach var in perish_days stringency perish_STR{
gen p_`var'1= 2*(normal(-(_b[`var']/_se[`var'])))
est sto model1
esttab model1 , s(p_perish_days p_perish_STR, fmt(%9.4f))
Any suggestions regarding this would be helpful.
I am trying to run DOLS and want to find out the effect for each cross-section. I want to compute p-value automatically for each cross-section. I am currently using the following command but it is giving for the entire model. not individual cross-section.
xtcointreg modprice1 perish_days stringency perish_STR, xtrend(1) est(dols) dic(aic) full
foreach var in perish_days stringency perish_STR{
gen p_`var'1= 2*(normal(-(_b[`var']/_se[`var'])))
est sto model1
esttab model1 , s(p_perish_days p_perish_STR, fmt(%9.4f))
Any suggestions regarding this would be helpful.