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  • named style value not found in class

    Dear Stata Developers,

    would it be possible to make Stata a bit more user-friendly with a small addition of SMCL in scenarios like shown here:

    . graph hbar SOMETHING, over(SOMETHINGELSE)  blabel(value)
    (note:  named style value not found in class barlabelstyle, default attributes used)
    end of do-file
    . graph query barlabelstyle
    barlabelstyle may be
        bar    group  name   none   total
    Basically, all I am asking is that when some style doesn't contain a user-specified value, to offer an immediate reference by link on the spot:

    display as text `"(note: named style value not found in class {stata "graph query barlabelstyle":barlabelstyle}, default attributes used)"'

    Click image for larger version

Name:	barlabelstyle.png
Views:	1
Size:	7.1 KB
ID:	1741619

    And perhaps a bit further, if I were to specify, for example, "grup" could it respond "note: named style value not found in class barlabelstyle, default attributes used. Did you mean 'group'"?

    No need for any AI here, a simple soundex algorithm could probably work sufficiently well to make meaningful suggestions.

    Thank you, Sergiy