Hi, I have a question about how to use the command estat phtest, detail. In my cox proportional hazard regression model, I use a variabel (pthigfbp1hilo) with categories 1-4, and I therefore ran 4 lines/models with ib1.pthigfbp1hilo to ib4.pthigfbp1hilo to compare the categories. When I want use estat phtest to test the proportional-hazard assumption, is it correct to do the command after each run, or should I do another run just using the variable (pthigfbp1hilo) itself (without ib1. to ib4 before) and do the estat phtest after? I would be so happy for an answer because one way tells me that proportional-hazard assumtion holds and the other way that i does not. Best regards Elin
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