Hello. How to I reshape the data below into a long form? I tried but I am doing something wrong. I though the stub was var. I tried reshape long var, i(country) j(j). Thank you.
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str9 country str35 var2 str11(var3 var4 var5 var6 var7) "Australia" "Current Account Balance as % of GDP" "-2.185" "0.369" "2.356" "2.974" "1.049" "Austria" "Current Account Balance as % of GDP" "0.967" "2.377" "3.446" "1.596" "-0.237" "Belgium" "Current Account Balance as % of GDP" "-0.867" "0.098" "1.371" "1.364" "-0.926" "Australia" "Exports" "257,225.100" "270,943.900" "250,119.500" "343,649.200" "411,857.400" "Austria" "Exports" "177,297.700" "171,860.300" "162,892.600" "195,762.500" "204,861.200" "Belgium" "Exports" "468,217.500" "446,915.400" "421,882.300" "549,253.900" "637,666.500" "Australia" "Export Price Index" "110.700" "124.700" "121.100" "155.200" "203.700" "Austria" "Export Price Index" "116.600" "118.300" "118.700" "127.300" "148.300" "Belgium" "Export Price Index" "113.300" "114.100" "112.200" "123.500" "151.400" end
Listed 9 out of 9 observations