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  • khb verbose output

    Hello, I have a question about the user written command khb - and the output you get with the verbose option. Im working in Stata v17

    For context im running a multiple mediator model
    khb logistic y x || i.z1 i.z2 i.z3, vce(robust) concomitant(age sex) summary disentangle verbose
    The verbose option gives me two tables – is the first one the reduced model and the second one the full? Or the other way around?

    It would make sense for the first one to be the reduced, but in the first table the z vars appear as i.z1 i.z2 etc, whereas in the second table they appear as _000001, _000002 etc which may suggest that these are the residual of z’s and that therefore the second table is in fact the reduced.

    I would be most grateful if someone could clear this up for me.

    Thank you,

  • #2
    type ereturn list, you'll see e(Reduced_b). Looks like it's the first one.


    • #3
      The first model shown by khb (*! version 2.14 Juni 7, 2022 @ 17:24:33 UK, from SSC) with the verbose option is the full model. As you expect the first model to be the reduced one, I assume you want this for reporting purposes? Note that verbose option is not for reporting, it is more for debugging. Perhaps, you want khbtab (part of khb from SSC)?

