Dear Stata users,
I want to create an output table to show my estimation results and import it on Latex. I want to show in my table the estimated effect and the number of observations. Here is my code so far:
But I am obtaining the following error:
I also want to add more results to the table.
did_multiplegt_dyn is an installed Stata package.
How should I change my code?
I want to create an output table to show my estimation results and import it on Latex. I want to show in my table the estimated effect and the number of observations. Here is my code so far:
did_multiplegt_dyn abstention municipality year treated, cluster(municipality) weight(balance) graph_off local effect=e(Effect_1) local obs=e(N_effect_1) outreg2 using "Results/Table.tex", replace addstat("Effect", `effect', "Observations",`obs')
matrix e(b) not found; run/post a regression, or specify varlist for non-regression outputs r(111);
did_multiplegt_dyn democrats municipality year treated, cluster(municipality) weight(balance) graph_off local effect=e(Effect_1) local obs=e(N_effect_1) outreg2 using "Results/Table.tex", append addstat("Effect", `effect', "Observations",`obs')
How should I change my code?