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  • dtable formatting

    Good morning,

    I am trying to figure out some formatting for dtable using the following code (I am not able to share the data): dtable, by(group, tests testnotes) sample(, statistic(frequency proportion)) factor(agecat gender race rural payment_type alcohol substance_use employment exposure_local exposure_inttravel exposure_foreign HIV asthma malnutrition dayreadmission ICU mortality_inpatient, statistics(fvfrequency fvpercent)) nformat(%9.2f percent fvpercent) export(StrongyPhaseIResults.xlsx, replace)

    This gives me this result:

    Strongyloides Test Result
    Controls Positives Total Test
    N 37 0.587 26 0.413 63 1.000
    <18 5 (13.51%) 4 (15.38%) 9 (14.29%) 0.747
    18-29 5 (13.51%) 6 (23.08%) 11 (17.46%)
    30-49 9 (24.32%) 4 (15.38%) 13 (20.63%)
    50-69 13 (35.14%) 10 (38.46%) 23 (36.51%)
    70+ 5 (13.51%) 2 (7.69%) 7 (11.11%)
    Male 18 (48.65%) 16 (61.54%) 34 (53.97%) 0.312
    Female 19 (51.35%) 10 (38.46%) 29 (46.03%)
    White 21 (56.76%) 14 (53.85%) 35 (55.56%) 0.121
    Black 3 (8.11%) 4 (15.38%) 7 (11.11%)
    Hispanic 5 (13.51%) 5 (19.23%) 10 (15.87%)
    Asian 8 (21.62%) 1 (3.85%) 9 (14.29%)
    Not listed 0 (0.00%) 2 (7.69%) 2 (3.17%)
    Area of Residence
    Urban 34 (91.89%) 23 (88.46%) 57 (90.48%) 0.648
    Rural 3 (8.11%) 3 (11.54%) 6 (9.52%)
    Insurance Status
    Private 11 (29.73%) 5 (19.23%) 16 (25.40%) 0.413
    Public 21 (56.76%) 19 (73.08%) 40 (63.49%)
    Not insured 5 (13.51%) 2 (7.69%) 7 (11.11%)
    Alcohol Use
    No 27 (72.97%) 24 (92.31%) 51 (80.95%) 0.054
    Yes 10 (27.03%) 2 (7.69%) 12 (19.05%)
    Substance Use
    No 31 (86.11%) 25 (96.15%) 56 (90.32%) 0.187
    Yes 5 (13.89%) 1 (3.85%) 6 (9.68%)
    Employment Status
    Employed 11 (29.73%) 6 (23.08%) 17 (26.98%) 0.272
    Unemployed 14 (37.84%) 9 (34.62%) 23 (36.51%)
    Retired 8 (21.62%) 5 (19.23%) 13 (20.63%)
    Disabled 3 (8.11%) 1 (3.85%) 4 (6.35%)
    Unknown 1 (2.70%) 5 (19.23%) 6 (9.52%)
    Local Exposure
    No 37 (100.00%) 20 (76.92%) 57 (90.48%) 0.002
    Yes 0 (0.00%) 6 (23.08%) 6 (9.52%)
    Travel Exposure
    No 31 (83.78%) 23 (88.46%) 54 (85.71%) 0.601
    Yes 6 (16.22%) 3 (11.54%) 9 (14.29%)
    No 26 (70.27%) 18 (69.23%) 44 (69.84%) 0.929
    Yes 11 (29.73%) 8 (30.77%) 19 (30.16%)
    Living with HIV
    No 34 (91.89%) 25 (96.15%) 59 (93.65%) 0.495
    Yes 3 (8.11%) 1 (3.85%) 4 (6.35%)
    No 20 (54.05%) 25 (96.15%) 45 (71.43%) <0.001
    Yes 17 (45.95%) 1 (3.85%) 18 (28.57%)
    No 32 (86.49%) 26 (100.00%) 58 (92.06%) 0.051
    Yes 5 (13.51%) 0 (0.00%) 5 (7.94%)
    Readmitted within 30 days
    No 32 (86.49%) 22 (84.62%) 54 (85.71%) 0.834
    Yes 5 (13.51%) 4 (15.38%) 9 (14.29%)
    Admitted to ICU
    No 34 (94.44%) 25 (96.15%) 59 (95.16%) 0.757
    Yes 2 (5.56%) 1 (3.85%) 3 (4.84%)
    Mortality during inpatient admission
    No 33 (89.19%) 23 (88.46%) 56 (88.89%) 0.928
    Yes 4 (10.81%) 3 (11.54%) 7 (11.11%)

    Is it possible to (1) move the totals column so that it comes first before Controls and Positives? (2) Is it possible to separate variables and level names within the variables so that they are in separate columns?

  • #2
    You are more likely to get a useful response if you make your problem reproducible by using publicly available data and easily parsed code. Does this example (adapted from this excellent Stata blog post by Mia Lv) illustrate your question?

    webuse idu
    dtable, by(male, tests testnotes ) sample(, statistic(frequency proportion)) ///
    factor(needle, statistics(fvfrequency fvpercent)) ///
     nformat(%9.2f percent fvpercent)

                        No          Yes         Total     Test
    N                 76 0.068  1,048 0.932  1,124 1.000      
    Shared needles                                            
      No           43 (56.58%) 679 (64.79%) 722 (64.23%) 0.149
      Yes          33 (43.42%) 369 (35.21%) 402 (35.77%)      
    Last edited by Devra Golbe; 25 Jan 2024, 12:30.
    Devra Golbe
    Professor Emerita, Dept. of Economics
    Hunter College, CUNY


    • #3
      Using the example provided by Devra, here is how you can use
      collect to change the order of the columns and split the row
      headers so the factor variable names/labels show up in separate columns
      in line with their first level.

      webuse idu
      dtable, ///
          by(male, test notestnotes) ///
          factor(needle) ///
          nformat(%9.2f percent fvpercent)
      * get the autolevels of the -by()- variable; notice that .m is the level
      * with the label "Total"
      collect query autolevels male
      * reset the autolevels of the -by()- variable, putting .m; duplicates are
      * ignored
      collect style autolevels male .m `s(levels)', clear
      * split the row heads is separate columns for dimension/factors and their
      * levels
      collect style row split, dups(first)
      * replay the table with these changes
      collect preview
      Here is the resulting table.
                              Total           No           Yes       Test
      N                  1,124 (100.00%)  76 (6.76%) 1,048 (93.24%)
      Shared needles No     722 (64.23%) 43 (56.58%)   679 (64.79%) 0.149
                     Yes    402 (35.77%) 33 (43.42%)   369 (35.21%)


      • #4
        Perfect, that worked great! Thank you so so much!

