I am trying to run a probabilistic record linkage between two datasets with no common record identifier. I am using the command reclink2. The command is the following:
reclink2 Firmname add1 pobox unit bldg floor using Amadeus_TOTAL, idmaster( stn_AccountHolderName ) idusing( stn_Nombreempresa ) gen( scorematching )
However, the following error message appears:
Going through 7543 observation to assess fuzzy matches, each .=5% complete
2VALORISEAMEL invalid name
post: above message corresponds to expression 1, variable stn_AccountHolderName
The value "2VALORISEAMEL" corresponds to one of the observations of the variable stn_AccountHolderName. But the variable stn_AccountHolderName is a string variable (as required by treclink2):
d stn_AccountHolderName
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
stn_AccountHo~e str170 %170s official name
I do not know how to solve this. Thank you very much for your help.
reclink2 Firmname add1 pobox unit bldg floor using Amadeus_TOTAL, idmaster( stn_AccountHolderName ) idusing( stn_Nombreempresa ) gen( scorematching )
However, the following error message appears:
Going through 7543 observation to assess fuzzy matches, each .=5% complete
2VALORISEAMEL invalid name
post: above message corresponds to expression 1, variable stn_AccountHolderName
The value "2VALORISEAMEL" corresponds to one of the observations of the variable stn_AccountHolderName. But the variable stn_AccountHolderName is a string variable (as required by treclink2):
d stn_AccountHolderName
Variable Storage Display Value
name type format label Variable label
stn_AccountHo~e str170 %170s official name
I do not know how to solve this. Thank you very much for your help.