Hello everyone,
I have data in long format at the individual level on individuals' gender, sector of employment, and year. I used the following command to get the distribution of both males and females across sectors in each year:
, which produces the following graph:
Is there a way to add a total category to the graph for both males and females in each year? I would appreciate your help
I have data in long format at the individual level on individuals' gender, sector of employment, and year. I used the following command to get the distribution of both males and females across sectors in each year:
#d catplot instsec sex round [aw=expan_indiv], percent(sex round) var1opts(label(labsize(medsmall))) var2opts(label(labsize(medsmall) angle(45))) var3opts(label(labsize(medsmall))) intensity(25) asyvars stack bar(1, color(gs0) fintensity(inten100)) bar(2, color(gs5) fintensity(inten100)) bar(3, color(gs10) fintensity(inten100)) bar(4, color(gs12) fintensity(inten100)) title("", size(medsmall)) ytitle("", size(medsmall)) legend(rows(2) size(small) title(, size(small))) recast(bar) graphregion(color(white)) blabel(bar, position(center) color(white) orientation(horizontal) format(%9.1f) size(small)) name(emp_instsec_sex, replace) ; #d cr
Is there a way to add a total category to the graph for both males and females in each year? I would appreciate your help