Co-authors and I are going back and forth about the correct way to interpret the interaction effect of a treatment and moderator in a TWFE setting. Our setting is the adoption of a new ag technology (hybrid seed) and how the impact of adoption is moderated by adverse weather effects (drought). Both the treatment and moderator are measured as a continuous variables but could easily be turned into binary indicators. The hybrid seed is supposed to make crops more tolerant to droughts, meaning yields are higher during droughts relative to normal seeds. Additionally, the seeds should have no impact on yields absent a drought (no gain or loss relative to normal seeds). We have panel data, where the unit of observation in farmer over time. The outcome of interest is yield. We are currently estimating:
The debate we are having is, do we interpret B1 like we would in a DID framework, where the interaction is the difference (seed/no seed) in the differences (drought/no drought), and so B1 tells us the effect of seeds on yields during droughts (which is what we want to know)? Or, do we interpret B1 as measuring heterogeneity in treatment effect by drought, so that we would need to test for the difference between B1 and B3 in order to know if seeds performed better than no seeds during a drought? Or is there some third way we should be approach the problem?
Any thoughts are appreciated!
Co-authors and I are going back and forth about the correct way to interpret the interaction effect of a treatment and moderator in a TWFE setting. Our setting is the adoption of a new ag technology (hybrid seed) and how the impact of adoption is moderated by adverse weather effects (drought). Both the treatment and moderator are measured as a continuous variables but could easily be turned into binary indicators. The hybrid seed is supposed to make crops more tolerant to droughts, meaning yields are higher during droughts relative to normal seeds. Additionally, the seeds should have no impact on yields absent a drought (no gain or loss relative to normal seeds). We have panel data, where the unit of observation in farmer over time. The outcome of interest is yield. We are currently estimating:
yieldit = B1(seedit*droughtit) + B2seedit + B3droughtit + ci + ct + eit
xtreg yield c.seed##c.drought i.year, fe cluster(hhid)
Any thoughts are appreciated!