foreach dep in y1 y2 y3 {
cap erase TABLE5_`dep'_9.txt
cap erase TABLE5_`dep'_9.xml
ivreghdfe `dep' male_child birth_order child_twin month_dum* i.year_quarter t2m_9 tp_9 (pm2p5_92 = aod1240_9) , cluster(quarter)
outreg2 using TABLE5_`dep'_9.xml, $outopts keep(pm2p5_92) ///
addtext(Child Controls, YES, Mother Controls, NO, Mother FEs, NO, HH Controls, NO) ///
adjr2 ctitle(Model 1, PM2.5) append
ivreghdfe `dep' male_child birth_order child_twin mage med_years month_dum* i.year_quarter t2m_9 tp_9 (pm2p5_92 = aod1240_9) , cluster(quarter)
outreg2 using TABLE5_`dep'_9.xml, $outopts keep(pm2p5_92) ///
addtext(Child Controls, YES, Mother Controls, NO, Mother FEs, NO, HH Controls, NO) ///
adjr2 ctitle(Model 1, PM2.5) append
I want to display the mean of dependent variable and the ratio of (pm2p5_92)/ mean of dependent variable
how I can do that please