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  • Group Gini index (GGini), the Group Theil index (GTheil), and the Group Coefficient of Variation (GCOV) based Horizontal inequality

    Dear users,

    I have data on the Usual Monthly Household consumption expenditure and social group (caste) for India.

    I want to measure Group-based Horizontal Inequality in Consp exp between social groups.

    Does STATA already have a program for that? if not, how do you write a code for the same?

    Reference Paper is http://

    input str8 key float(hhsz UMCE weight) byte caste
    "24264502"  4  5050 203.66 4
    "24264503"  6 10617 203.66 4
    "24269401"  4  9167  51.25 4
    "24269403"  5  9167  51.25 4
    "24269409"  3  6767  51.25 4
    "24269414"  4  7792  51.25 4
    "24269417"  3  6167  51.25 4
    "24260401"  4  8167   97.5 4
    "24260404"  3  6083   97.5 4
    "24260409"  3  6167   97.5 4
    "24260510"  4  6583    7.5 4
    "24282410"  2  8083 112.45 4
    "24284101"  7 12000  99.75 4
    "24284502"  5  6000  45.13 4
    "24284503"  4  6000  45.13 4
    "24284504"  4  5467  45.13 4
    "24286401"  3  8667 101.06 4
    "24286402"  4  9500 101.06 4
    "24286408"  4  9083 101.06 2
    "24286410"  4  8750 101.06 2
    "24286501"  2  3550 199.72 4
    "24288502"  6  9000  25.81 4
    "24288506"  5  8000  25.81 4
    "24289101"  7 14000  99.75 4
    "24289401"  5 15000  21.95 4
    "24289403"  5 15000  21.95 4
    "24289404"  6 14400  21.95 4
    "24289405"  5 12500  21.95 4
    "24289406"  4 12000  21.95 4
    "24289408"  4 12000  21.95 4
    "24289409"  5 12500  21.95 4
    "24289411"  4 10000  21.95 4
    "24289501"  6 10800   10.5 4
    "24289502"  6  8800   10.5 4
    "24289503"  6 10800   10.5 4
    "24287102"  7 11200 470.25 4
    "24287301"  6 10800    363 4
    "24287302"  6 10800    363 4
    "24287401"  5 12500 134.75 4
    "24287404"  4 12000 134.75 4
    "24287405"  4 10000 134.75 4
    "24287501"  5  9000  18.56 4
    "24287503"  6 10800  18.56 4
    "24287506"  6  9000  18.56 4
    "24280402"  4  8500  33.67 4
    "24280501"  1  1263  33.67 4
    "24292101"  7  8100    140 4
    "24292501"  6  6000   37.5 4
    "24293101"  7  7383 116.25 4
    "24293102"  7 13160 116.25 4
    "24293201"  5  9750    7.5 4
    "24293202"  4  8150    7.5 4
    "24293301"  4  7300     30 4
    "24293302"  3  5250     30 4
    "24293401"  5  9863     20 4
    "24293402"  5 10400     20 4
    "24293403"  3  6300     20 4
    "24293404"  2  5300     20 4
    "24293405"  3  6300     20 4
    "24293406"  4  8650     20 4
    "24293501"  5  8400   37.5 4
    "24293502"  5  7200   37.5 4
    "24293503"  6  8000   37.5 4
    "24293504"  2  3100   37.5 4
    "24293505"  7  9000   37.5 4
    "24293506"  4  6100   37.5 4
    "24293507"  4  6350   37.5 4
    "24293508"  4  6400   37.5 4
    "24294101"  8  9283    240 4
    "24294201"  5 10333     10 4
    "24294202"  4  8667     10 4
    "24294301"  4  3667     70 4
    "24294302"  3  2800     70 4
    "24294404"  1  2117     20 4
    "24294405"  4  8083     20 4
    "24294406"  3  5583     20 4
    "24294501"  3  3167    150 4
    "24294502"  4  4383    150 2
    "24294503"  3  4750    150 4
    "24294505"  5  5917    150 4
    "24294506"  3  3217    150 4
    "24294507"  2  3000    150 4
    "24294508"  2  2500    150 4
    "24291101"  9  9833 217.38 4
    "24291201"  2  4633     37 4
    "24291202"  4  8083     37 4
    "24291301"  3  4675  41.63 4
    "24291302"  6  7217  41.63 4
    "24291402"  5  9917  29.29 4
    "24291404"  1  2500  29.29 4
    "24291405"  5 10583  29.29 4
    "24291406"  2  4533  29.29 4
    "24291501"  4  6000  54.34 4
    "24291502"  4  5000  54.34 4
    "24291503"  5  5000  54.34 4
    "24291504"  5  6000  54.34 4
    "24291505"  2  3200  54.34 4
    "24291506"  4  6000  54.34 4
    "24291508"  6  8500  54.34 4
    "24296101"  7 14000     19 4
    "24271503"  4  5667   33.5 4
    "24276101"  4  8000     55 4
    "24276102"  4  6000     55 4
    "24276201"  4 13000  13.75 4
    "24276301"  4  7000  13.75 4
    "24276401"  4 10000    330 4
    "24276402"  5 10000    330 4
    "24276403"  4  8000    330 4
    "24276404"  4  8000    330 4
    "24276405"  4  9083    330 4
    "24276406"  4  8083    330 4
    "24276501"  4  7083  38.19 4
    "24276502"  4  7250  38.19 4
    "24276503"  4  7083  38.19 4
    "24276504"  4  7083  38.19 4
    "24276505"  4  7250  38.19 4
    "24276506"  4  7000  38.19 4
    "24276507"  4  7000  38.19 4
    "24276508"  4  7083  38.19 4
    "24276509"  5  9000  38.19 4
    "24278101"  7  8833   52.5 4
    "24278102"  8  9083   52.5 4
    "24278301"  3  4000   52.5 4
    "24278302"  3  4500   52.5 4
    "24278303"  2  3167   52.5 4
    "24278501"  4  6000   52.5 4
    "24278502"  3  4417   52.5 4
    "24278503"  5  6417   52.5 4
    "24278505"  4  6000   52.5 4
    "24278504"  3  4583   52.5 4
    "24278506"  4  5000   52.5 4
    "24278507"  3  4458   52.5 4
    "24278508"  5  5750   52.5 4
    "24278509"  5  6000   52.5 4
    "24279101"  7  8287  33.25 4
    "24279102"  9 10542  33.25 4
    "24279201"  3  6077  33.25 4
    "24279401"  3  5563  33.25 4
    "24279402"  3  7920  33.25 4
    "24279501"  5  7453  33.25 4
    "24279502"  3  3858  33.25 4
    "24279503"  6  8503  33.25 4
    "24279504"  6  8843  33.25 4
    "24279505"  1  1693  33.25 4
    "24277101"  8 16000 350.63 4
    "24277505"  6  9600 114.75 4
    "24270101"  8  8000    165 4
    "24270102"  7  7000    165 4
    "24270201"  2 10000     30 4
    "24270202"  3  8000     30 4
    "24270502"  4  4000  92.14 4
    "24270503"  4  5000  92.14 4
    "24270504"  5  5000  92.14 4
    "24270505"  4  5000  92.14 4
    "24270506"  5  5700  92.14 4
    "24270507"  3  5000  92.14 4
    "24270508"  5  5000  92.14 4
    "24270509"  6  6000  92.14 4
    "24270510"  4  6000  92.14 4
    "24270511"  5  6000  92.14 4
    "24270512"  5  6000  92.14 4
    "24270513"  3  5000  92.14 4
    "24270514"  2  2000  92.14 4
    "24205101" 10 18000 102.38 4
    "24205102" 10 17500 102.38 4
    "24205301"  6  9600  15.75 4
    "24205302"  6 11100  15.75 4
    "24205401"  3  7800  76.78 4
    "24205402"  3  7600  76.78 4
    "24205403"  5 10600  76.78 4
    "24205404"  5 11300  76.78 4
    "24205405"  3  7900  76.78 4
    "24205406"  3  6600  76.78 4
    "24205407"  4  8200  76.78 4
    "24205408"  6 12600  76.78 4
    "24205501"  5  8600  53.16 4
    "24205502"  5  9200  53.16 4
    "24205503"  4  6200  53.16 4
    "24205504"  5  9200  53.16 4
    "24205505"  5  8900  53.16 4
    "24205506"  4  6600  53.16 4
    "24205507"  2  3500  53.16 4
    "24205508"  6  9800  53.16 4
    "24204403"  4  7833 253.17 4
    "24204502"  5  7642 116.38 4
    "24204507"  5  8892 116.38 4
    "24206403"  1  1892  46.25 4
    "24208301"  4  6200  38.25 4
    "24208401"  3  6383  15.58 4
    "24208403"  1  2517  15.58 4
    "24207401"  4  8500  60.42 2
    "24207405"  3  6450  60.42 2
    "24207502"  4  6750  39.06 2
    "24207503"  2  3450  39.06 2
    "24207505"  4  4600  39.06 2
    "24207506"  3  3917  39.06 2
    "24355201"  2  4200  18.75 4
    "24355301"  4  7367     30 4
    "24355403"  2  4500  88.75 4
    "24355405"  3  5750  88.75 4
    label values caste caste
    label def caste 2 "SC", modify
    label def caste 4 "Others", modify
    Best regards,

    (Stata 15.1 SE)

  • #2
    Dear Prof. Stephen Jenkins kindly look into it.
    Best regards,

    (Stata 15.1 SE)


    • #3
      Sorry, but I don't have the time or other resources to provide advice at present


      • #4
        Thank you, Stephen Jenkins, for your response. Waiting to see in near future.
        Best regards,

        (Stata 15.1 SE)


        • #5
          Dear Prof. Nick Cox kindly look at #1.
          Best regards,

          (Stata 15.1 SE)


          • #6
            I looked at it some days ago and have no answer.

            Pinging people is best reserved for thanking them. Otherwise please assume that getting no answer means that people don't have the time, inclination or expertise to reply. Sorry about that.

