Hi all,
I have generated normally distributed data of monthly stock returns for 30,000,000 observations and I want to calculate cumulative returns for the first 12 observations (1-12), the next 12 observation (13-24) and so on, so I can calculate e.g. the median of all yearly returns. So far my code looks like this however I can’t figure it out to be working. Any help would be appreciated.
I have generated normally distributed data of monthly stock returns for 30,000,000 observations and I want to calculate cumulative returns for the first 12 observations (1-12), the next 12 observation (13-24) and so on, so I can calculate e.g. the median of all yearly returns. So far my code looks like this however I can’t figure it out to be working. Any help would be appreciated.
clear set seed 1307 set obs 30000000 gen ret_02 = rnormal(0.005, 0.02) gen ln_ret_02 = ln(1+ret_02) local chunk_size 12 gen sum_ln_ret_02 = . forval i = 1 ('chunk_size') 30000000 { local start_obs `i' local end_obs `i' + `chunk_size' - 1 replace sum_ln_ret_02 = sum(ln_ret_02[`start_obs'/`end_obs']) } gen cum_ret_02 = exp(sum_ln_ret_02)-1