I have 8 timepoints of data from most of the hospitals in our state, 4 pre and 4 post intervention. At each timepoint hospitals provided the number of newborn admissions and the number of newborn admissions with hypothermia. From this we can calculate each hospital's newborn hypothermia rate.
To calculate the state hypothermia rate I take the mean hospital rate weighted by the newborn admissions.
I want to see if our intervention significantly decreased the state's hypothermia rate, but I don't know the appropriate way to calculate the standard errors. Our data has 120 hospitals and ~60,000 admissions.
As the hypothermia rate is right skewed I am using a negative binomial regression. Currently, I have been running the regressions with and without clustering hospitals.
nbreg hypothermia_rate i.pre_post [fweight=newborn_admissions]
nbreg hypothermia_rate i.pre_post [fweight=newborn_admissions] , cluster(hospital) irr
I would appreciate in any insight to the correct method.
thank you.
I have 8 timepoints of data from most of the hospitals in our state, 4 pre and 4 post intervention. At each timepoint hospitals provided the number of newborn admissions and the number of newborn admissions with hypothermia. From this we can calculate each hospital's newborn hypothermia rate.
To calculate the state hypothermia rate I take the mean hospital rate weighted by the newborn admissions.
I want to see if our intervention significantly decreased the state's hypothermia rate, but I don't know the appropriate way to calculate the standard errors. Our data has 120 hospitals and ~60,000 admissions.
As the hypothermia rate is right skewed I am using a negative binomial regression. Currently, I have been running the regressions with and without clustering hospitals.
nbreg hypothermia_rate i.pre_post [fweight=newborn_admissions]
nbreg hypothermia_rate i.pre_post [fweight=newborn_admissions] , cluster(hospital) irr
I would appreciate in any insight to the correct method.
thank you.