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  • collapse patents at company and year level

    I need to collapse my dataset of patents at company and year level.
    But I want to keep all my variables in the dataset:


    storage display value
    variable name type format label variable label

    patent_num long %12.0g
    permno long %8.0g
    issue_date long %12.0g
    issue_year float %9.0g
    filing_date long %12.0g
    filing_year float %9.0g
    cpc strL %9s
    scheme_code float %9.0g
    xi_nominal float %9.0g
    xi_real float %9.0g
    cites int %8.0g
    permco long %12.0g

    Sorted by: filing_year issue_year

    I have done the following code:
    sort filing_year permco
    order patent_num permco patent_num permno permco filing_year issue_year scheme_code cites xi_nominal xi_real

    gen green_d = 1
    replace green_d = 0 if scheme_code == 0
    summarize green_d scheme_code

    Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
    green_d | 3,160,451 .0434232 .2038079 0 1
    scheme_code | 3,160,451 .2368975 1.172737 0 9

    sort permco filing_year
    collapse (sum) patent_num (sum)cites (sum) xi_nominal (sum) xi_real (sum)green_d, by(filing_year permco cpc scheme_code)
    list in 1/20

    list in 1/20

    | permco filing~r scheme~e cpc patent~m cites xi_nom~l xi_real green_d |
    1. | 20626 1834 0 G03B21/16 1666047 7 .2017942 1.151761 0 |
    2. | 21912 1834 0 H01F19/02 1807022 0 .0858394 .5738302 0 |
    3. | 22533 1834 0 F16C33/106 1682190 1 .0643711 .3674046 0 |
    4. | 22534 1834 0 A21D2/04 1651718 0 .5634137 3.178565 0 |
    5. | 20792 1835 0 1837913 0 .2310263 1.544395 0 |
    6. | 20792 1835 0 H01J2893/0013;H01J19/28 1717239 1 .2393945 1.358425 0 |
    7. | 20792 1835 0 H02K47/08 1628379 0 .1100432 .6208216 0 |
    8. | 20833 1835 0 E03D1/34 1682306 2 .1912527 1.091595 0 |
    9. | 22876 1835 0 B21L15/00 1790464 9 .0824105 .5509083 0 |
    10. | 22223 1836 0 B62D5/10 1848464 3 .0463756 .3455161 0 |
    11. | 20792 1837 0 G01R5/04 1804330 4 .3967184 2.652035 0 |
    12. | 22541 1837 0 F16D55/26 1698056 1 .5901366 3.348682 0 |
    13. | 22615 1837 0 B41D7/04;F16J15/061;Y10S220/03 1705454 7 .0345968 .1963165 0 |
    14. | 20792 1838 0 H01F27/245 1717200 0 .2393945 1.358425 0 |
    15. | 22496 1868 0 C08G73/0273;C08G73/0627 3127359 1 2.22735 6.967609 0 |
    16. | 20103 1883 0 Y10S101/29;B41M3/001 1642774 6 .3180774 1.794472 0 |
    17. | 21329 1887 0 C11D3/3953 1716014 1 .1859463 1.055137 0 |
    18. | 22518 1903 0 B65D88/78 3189224 1 .4522994 1.388189 0 |
    19. | 20103 1904 0 H04Q3/00 1601061 0 .2148499 1.184709 0 |
    20. | 20103 1907 0 H01H67/16;H01H67/06 1585024 0 .6957758 3.836594 0 |

    But I still have more than one row per company per year.

    What should I do to collapse it into one raw per company per year?

    Thanks a lot!

  • #2
    Your goals are contradictory. A collapse by company and year reduces all observations for each combination to one. As you're insisting on keeping distinct values of cpc scheme_code that will work if and only if cpc scheme_code have one distinct pair of values per company and year. Here the different values of cpc are a barrier.


    • #3
      Hi Nick,
      thanks for your replay.

      NC: Your goals are contradictory. A collapse by company and year reduces all observations for each combination to one.

      GF: Could I collapse the data in a way that cpc include all the patents information for each company per each year.
      Example for company (20792) year (1835) the cpc would be(H01J2893/0013;H01J19/28 and H02K47/08)?



      • #4
        Yes; you could do that. explains how.

