Hi everyone,
in Williams et al. (2018, p.296) the authors say:
"Moral-Benito uses two equations to specify his model. They are:
yit = λyit−1 + x'itβ + w'iδ + αi + ξt + υit (t = 1, . . . , T )(i = 1, . . . , N) (1)
υit is the time-varying error term,
E(υit | yit−1, xit , wi , αi) = 0 ∀i, t (2)
"The ML–SEM uses the moment restrictions implied by the assumption that there is no serial
correlation in the error terms in (1)." (p. 299)
My questions are:
Williams, Richard, Paul D. Allison, and Enrique Moral-Benito. "Linear dynamic panel-data estimation using maximum likelihood and structural equation modeling." The Stata Journal 18, no. 2 (2018): 293-326.
in Williams et al. (2018, p.296) the authors say:
"Moral-Benito uses two equations to specify his model. They are:
yit = λyit−1 + x'itβ + w'iδ + αi + ξt + υit (t = 1, . . . , T )(i = 1, . . . , N) (1)
υit is the time-varying error term,
E(υit | yit−1, xit , wi , αi) = 0 ∀i, t (2)
"The ML–SEM uses the moment restrictions implied by the assumption that there is no serial
correlation in the error terms in (1)." (p. 299)
My questions are:
- What would be the most appropriate stata command to detect serial correlation in the error terms in (1)?
- If serial correlation is detected, what are the options?
- Is the ML-SEM just not an option for the specific data?
- Can I try to eliminate the serial correlation by, for example, using first-differences of the variables?
Williams, Richard, Paul D. Allison, and Enrique Moral-Benito. "Linear dynamic panel-data estimation using maximum likelihood and structural equation modeling." The Stata Journal 18, no. 2 (2018): 293-326.