Hi all,
I've got a variable (total_patents_91_05) that lists the total number of patents per PERSON_ID for a set period. However, I'd like to create another total based on the PSN_ID that would be the sum the distinct totals listed in PERSON_ID. So, as can be seen below, I would need to sum 310 + 1796 + 2369 + 0 + 455 ... etc. I started by marking the distinct observations:
But I'm not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?
I've got a variable (total_patents_91_05) that lists the total number of patents per PERSON_ID for a set period. However, I'd like to create another total based on the PSN_ID that would be the sum the distinct totals listed in PERSON_ID. So, as can be seen below, I would need to sum 310 + 1796 + 2369 + 0 + 455 ... etc. I started by marking the distinct observations:
by PERSON_ID sort: generate nvals = _n ==1
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input long PERSON_ID str4 IPC_CLASS int total_patents_91_05 long PSN_ID 5212052 "A61M" 310 55098 5701047 "A44B" 1796 55098 5701047 "C07H" 1796 55098 5701047 "A47G" 1796 55098 5212052 "G08G" 310 55098 5231021 "D06L" 2369 55098 5212052 "H01G" 310 55098 5212052 "H01J" 310 55098 5212052 "B43M" 0 55098 5212052 "H01L" 310 55098 5212052 "H01M" 310 55098 5212052 "H04N" 310 55098 5212052 "B66B" 0 55098 5212052 "H01S" 310 55098 5212056 "A47B" 455 55098 5701047 "B21F" 1796 55098 5212056 "B05D" 455 55098 5212056 "C40B" 0 55098 5212056 "B23P" 455 55098 5212056 "B32B" 455 55098 5212052 "F41G" 0 55098 5212056 "B41F" 455 55098 5231021 "G01L" 2369 55098 5216166 "A21C" 0 55098 5216166 "B29B" 0 55098 5212056 "B66F" 455 55098 5212056 "B67B" 455 55098 5231021 "D01F" 2369 55098 5212056 "C07H" 455 55098 5212056 "C08G" 455 55098 5231021 "H01B" 2369 55098 5216166 "B62J" 0 55098 5212056 "C09J" 455 55098 5212056 "C10M" 455 55098 5212056 "C12M" 455 55098 5212056 "C12P" 455 55098 5212056 "C22C" 455 55098 5212056 "D06C" 455 55098 5701047 "D04B" 1796 55098 5231021 "B65D" 2369 55098 5212056 "D21H" 455 55098 5216166 "G04G" 0 55098 5216166 "F23C" 0 55098 5212056 "F21K" 455 55098 5231021 "F16J" 2369 55098 5212056 "F28F" 455 55098 5212052 "G01V" 0 55098 5212056 "F27B" 455 55098 5212056 "G02B" 455 55098 5212056 "G03C" 455 55098 5701047 "C08K" 1796 55098 5216166 "G11B" 0 55098 5701047 "F16F" 1796 55098 5231021 "F27D" 2369 55098 5212056 "H01S" 455 55098 5212056 "H02G" 455 55098 5216166 "H01M" 16 55098 5212056 "H05K" 455 55098 5212056 "F24D" 0 55098 5212052 "B66C" 0 55098 5212056 "G01P" 0 55098 5216166 "H02G" 0 55098 5216166 "C09D" 16 55098 5212056 "H01M" 455 55098 5212052 "F24D" 0 55098 5701047 "G06G" 1796 55098 5216166 "H01T" 0 55098 5701047 "F01D" 1796 55098 5701047 "F02B" 1796 55098 5701047 "A47B" 1796 55098 5231021 "H01H" 2369 55098 5701047 "H01G" 1796 55098 5212056 "H04W" 0 55098 5212056 "D04D" 0 55098 5701047 "G09F" 1796 55098 5212056 "A21C" 0 55098 5212052 "B32B" 310 55098 5701047 "C07D" 1796 55098 5216166 "G08B" 0 55098 5231021 "A61K" 2369 55098 5212052 "D01F" 310 55098 5701047 "B43L" 1796 55098 5231021 "G06Q" 2369 55098 5231021 "B28B" 2369 55098 5216166 "G06K" 0 55098 5212056 "C09C" 0 55098 5216166 "B24D" 16 55098 5212056 "E03D" 0 55098 5701047 "H01Q" 1796 55098 5216166 "B23D" 0 55098 5212056 "B65H" 455 55098 5212056 "F16K" 455 55098 5216166 "A44B" 0 55098 5231021 "D01D" 2369 55098 5701047 "F25B" 1796 55098 5212052 "G01B" 310 55098 5216166 "A61P" 0 55098 5231021 "A63C" 2369 55098 5212056 "F28C" 455 55098 5216166 "B41C" 0 55098 end